April 1, 2013 Beauty - fell from a window in a highrise
Yesterday we got an urgent plea to rescue a high-rise fall kitty.
His name is Beauty and he is certainly just that! He spent the
night with a foster and was admitted to our vet this AM.
Email address: info@anjelliclecats.com
Mailing Address: Anjellicle Cats Rescue P.O. Box 2084 Radio City Station New York, NY, 10101-2084

4/2/13 Happy - Owner Abuse
Her original owner kicked her when another dog got close to her babies and she went to protect them. Her leg has been broken badly and untreated for a week and a half! She is very skinny and she has bullets in her side (Her owners claim they have no idea where those came from) and she is also heartworm positive. She is due for surgery tomorrow.
DASH - Dallas Australian Shepherd and Herding Dog Rescue
5936 Cimarron Trail
Haltom City Texas 76148
PayPal email is candicesouder@yahoo.com
Or go to our website at www.dashdog.org for credit cards
4/3/13 Ray (5 cats total) Vet Office Abuse
Hi, my name is Ray, and thanks to Abandoned Animal Welfare (AAW), my four siblings and I are still alive. My siblings and I came from a vet clinic that has now been shut down. We lived in our own feces, urine, and filth for the past seven years, shut in the back of the clinic, away from people. I never knew what play or being held and loved was all about. I only knew the life of a small cage. We did not receive the proper water or nutrition to grow and flourish. When AAW came and rescued us in February, they were crying over the condition we were living in. We had pretty bad upper respiratory infections and were covered in fleas and other parasites. AAW rushed us to a very good and kind Vet, who immediately started taking excellent care of us.
Upon further examination the vet found so much more wrong with us. You see, we are all totally blind, except for being able to see some slight shadows. I hear the vet talking about something called the Herpes infection in our eyes and that going untreated could be what made us go blind. The vet said that I am the sickest of the bunch and that I was very dehydrated. Further exam showed that I have an old spinal injury and a possible abdominal mass. They need to perform an exploratory surgery to determine what kind of mass it is but first they have to get me stronger and healthier. I have spent about a week and a half at the vet’s to get stronger and healthier, and now I am on continuing therapy with one of AAW’s volunteers. I hope to get better enough so I can have the surgery to find out what kind of mass is in my abdomen and if it can be removed.
Can you help me? Please? Now that I know what cuddling and being petted and loved by a human feels like I do not want to die. I want to live. I want to get healthy so I can go to a forever home and live out the rest of my life being loved. I want my siblings to have the same thing too. I love this thing called Freedom. Take a look at my video and see my first time stepping out of a cage after coming home from the good vet office:
This link is very good and has a full explanation of what is going on. They do not have a Paypal but there is a link to a site that you can donate electronically.
The mailing address is:
Abandoned Animal Welfare
P.O. Box 1152 Mentor, OH 44060
I talked to the vet office and the lady who runs the rescue group and verified everything. They are going to need a very large amount of money. At least 2 of the cats are not likely to be adoptable. Even though they are in very large spaces now the 2 just walk in circles. They are trying some meds to help change this, but 7 years is a long time. They are hoping to raise enough to get not only the vet expenses paid but to make some sort of outdoor enclosure so they might be able to feel the warm sunshine and grass under their feet. These precious souls need all the pampering they can get!
4/3/13 Celina - hit by car
We currently have a very medically needy dog named Celina in our care. Our vet that we use for the rescue found her on the side of the road. She had been hit by a car and, upon examination, had a broken front leg near the joint as well as wounds and road rash on her body. Her wounds where her broken leg is show no sign of infection thus far! However, her bones are not healing as quick as we had anticipated. Possibly surgery is in her future, and if worse comes to worst, possible amputation of the leg
She currently attends her vet appointments on a weekly basis (her foster mom brings her there) for dressing and splint changes. She had xrays last week and will need follow-up xrays next week to see if there is any hope with saving her leg.
See photos here:
Celina's story is here:
http://www.gofundme.com/2az66w (which includes a donation link)
PayPal: bellareedpitbullrescue@aol.com
Our Mailing Address:
Bella-Reed Pit Bull Rescue
PO Box 21
Southampton, PA 18966
Our Website: www.bellareedpbr.com Our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BRPBR
4/4/13 Several cats being shot
This group was contacted about several cats being shot and they are trying to rescue them before anymore are killed. There are overwhelmed with medical bills for them and also need foster homes. Any help or donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal is nashvilleneglects@gmail.com
Snail mail (This rescue is out of a persons home so we are using our address. Please note that it is for Nashville neglects)
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
4/4/13 Misty - Abuse and beaten
Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs We pulled this sweet puppy tonight and rushed her to one of our vets. obviously she is in bad shape and needs all the thoughts, prayers and donations she can get. Misty is in really bad shape and is going to have a long road back. Her wounds are at least a week old, so infection has really had a good chance to set in. She also has open wounds, one on her neck that he said he could stick his arm in (gag). They have her on an IV, morphine and 2 of the strongest antibiotics out there. She will have to have the dead skin removed at some point, it's a matter of how much skin will have to come off. She is still so swollen that they are not sure about her eye yet; there is one in there, but too soon to tell if it's healthy or not. Her liver numbers are off a bit and she has symptoms consistent w blunt force trauma. He does believe it was one viscous attack. She is getting loads of love and support and needs every prayer and positive thought going her way. She will remain at the vet for the foreseeable future, so please keep her in your prayers and donate what you can to her recovery fund.
For those of you that are looking for Misty updates please like her page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mistys-Journey/326106977514930
Donations happily accepted at www.nycsecondchancerescue.org/donate/
Second Chance Rescue, PO Box 570701, Whitestone, NY 11357
4/7/13 Buster Kidney
Buster is one of our rescues who suddenly stopped eating & drinking this week, and began vomiting with diarrhea. We took in him for an exam and blood work which revealed highly elevated kidney values. After further testing, Buster’s kidneys are not functioning properly and he likely has a kidney stone in his ureter. Therefore, we have been hospitalizing Buster since Thursday for IV fluids & medications. To try to help him pass the stone, get him feeling better, stronger & able to come home, he needs to be hospitalized for IV treatment daily. In the past few days, our small rescue has spent just under $1000, and continuing hospitalization and treatment will run over $100 per day. His continuing therapy will include antibiotics for 3-6 months and a specialized diet.
We are extremely grateful for any size of donation you are able give to help Buster, as we are doing all we can to get him through this to survive. He is the sweetest, most loyal, loving dog, gives kisses showing how thankful for what he’s been giving since we got him out of the shelter. Buster deserves to live, but we desperately need help with funding his medical care.
Saving Shelter Pets of California, Inc. is a 501(c) (3), therefore all donations are tax deductible and a receipt for your records will be provided.
You can PayPal your donation, subject: Buster medical, and please mark Personal & Gift to allow full receipt of funds to: SavingShelterPets@yahoo.com
You may also mail a donation to: Saving Shelter Pets of CA, Inc., P.O. Box 279, San Marcos, CA 92079
On behalf of myself & Buster, we thank you kindly for helping give this incredible dog a chance.
4/7/13 Willow - Eye Removal (Odie - Leg Amputation, Dozer - shot)
Newburgh Scats Inc. This is Willow. I am fostering her for Newburgh Scats. She will be 10 weeks old on Friday. She had an illness that ruptured one of her eyes. She will need surgery to remove that eye in a month. We have to wait until she is 12-14 weeks old and/or at least 3 lbs. before she can undergo surgery. In the meantime, There is also Odie who had his leg amputated and Dozer who was shot. This very small group is overwhelmed with emergencies and in dire need of donations. All funds will go into our medical fund to help with Willow's surgery, and to recoup the funds spent for Odie's front leg amputation, and Dozer medicals expences from him being shot.
PayPal: ldnewburghscats@aol.com
Mailing Address: Newburgh Scats P.O. Box 10443 Newburgh, NY 12550
4/7/13 Rocket - Pit Bull Bait
Rocket Male Pit. Sad Rocket was found by one of volunteers and taken straight to the vet. At 1.5 years old this poor boy only weighs 16.5 lbs. He was nearly starved to death. He barely had the strength to walk. Upon further examanition by the vet it appears that this poor boy may have been used as a bait dog. His precious face and body are full of scars. His ear is gashed open. It appears that Rocket was kicked multiple times in the face and several of his teeth are broken off and damaged. Rocket can't eat dry dog food, even as hungry as he is the pain is just to much. Even through all his pain he knows nothing but love for humans. Please help donate to his care, so that this sweet boy will never know pain again.
Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson
165 US Hwy 158 Bypass Henderson, NC 27537
PAYPAL: rcapspaypal@yahoo.com
4/13/13 Sheila Broken bones & Infection
This is Sheila. Her tibia came through the skin. It is massively infected and she has a pelvic fracture to boot. All this and she was a Mommy too, looking after her baby boy the best she could.
Luckily she is now in the care of Tenth Life for NYC Cats, where she will get pain management, an orthopedic surgeon consult and free babysitting for baby Nicholas! Please help Tenth Life give Sheila and Nicholas the care they need.
Paypal donations to TenthLife4NYCcats@aol.com.
Mailing Address: 558 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY 10024
4/16/13 Dante - Burned in a fire
Here is the latest on Dante's story and health condition- Dante's human mommy perished in a fire saving her dogs. Dante sustained 2nd, 3rd, and borderline 4th degree burns mainly on the left side of his tiny 6lb body. He is currently under doctors care and is going to stay at our veterinarians office for quite some time. He is on antibiotics, pain medication, and a soothing skin cream. He has quite a road to recovery but Dante always keeps his tail wagging. His skin will fall off in many areas and that is all part of the healing. It will look worse before it looks better. Once healed, Dante will be up for adoption.
Mailing Address: Burleson Small Animal Hospital 445SW Wilshire Blvd. Burleson, Tx 76028. . Their phone # is 817-295-7111 and the account # is 17000. You can make a donation by cash, check, or credit card. Thank you so very much for all the prayers, uplifting thoughts, and questions. We love and appreciate all of you!
Electronic donations: Payhttp://www.gofundme.com/2lm8qs
4/18/13 Goddess - Neglected and abandoned She was at CACC. Her owner passed away
and nobody knows how long she was alone, but she has been neglected for a
lot longer. Sh is completely matted, but that is the least of our
worries right now. She had a different cone on her and Saturday I bought
the blue, soft one for her. Sh had eaten a bit Saturday, Sunday and this
morning I gave her baby food. Then to the vet we went. She was given
A/D, and she wanted it, but her mouth is so bad. Tongue lacerations,
mouth sores, etc. Blood work, fluids and antibiotics are being given
right now. Will have results tomorrow. We are doing all we can for her.
On a good note, eyes are pretty clear and she is alert. She has the
strength to fight when trying to check her mouth. She showed her spunk
when hissing and growling at other kitties, too. She has a growth under her tongue. We will
do more testing when she is strong enough. Doc is optimistic. Her
blood work is ok so far and she is being force fed.
PayPal address: info@purrsfromtheheart.org
Mailing Address: American Animal Hospital 6042 Roosevelt Rd Oak Park, IL 60304
Sadly, Goddess passed away