12-01-13 Fire at Animal ShelterThe Knox-Whitley Animal Shelter experienced a devastating fire at about 10 p.m. on Friday night. The fire completely destroyed the shelter. Fortunately many of the dogs were saved, but sadly most of the cats perished. We believe we have homes for all the dogs. What we really need right now is money to help rebuild the shelter.
PayPal: http://tinyurl.com/KWAS-Fire-Fund
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
Drop-off donations may be made at two locations:
Knox County Veterinary Services Whitley County EMS
314 High Street 1002 Aviation Blvd.
Barbourville, KY 40906 Williamsburg, KY 40769
12-01-13 Elizabeth/Rita cat thrown into a fire
(**TEARS** she has passed and didn't make it)
Rita was thrown into a open pit flame by a 13 year old boy. Rita suffered burns over most of her body and was then dropped off at an out of state high kill shelter where she had no options. Few if any cats leave this particular shelter. CFC spoke up for Rita and soon she will be under the care of the skilled, caring staff at CFC. Rita was not caught for several days following in the incident. The pain she was in must have been unbearable but yet when she arrived at the shelter she was all purrs. This shelter will be pursuing animal cruelty charges against the 13yr old who committed this henous crime towards this sweet cat. We knew she still had many other lives to live and could not let her story end. She would not be just another number at a shelter and another discarded cat.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-rita-cat-thrown-in-a-fire/110281
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Elizabeth/Rita) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
12-01-13 Sadie - Dog severely burned in house fire
The dog in this photo survived a house fire that left a young family with nothing. All that survived the fire was this fantastic dog. We are treating this dog but her expenses far exceed this family's ability to pay (all they have a debit card provided by the Red Cross.) So I'm reaching out to all the caring people I know for help...both with Sadie's medical bills and to help this family whose entire life went up in smoke get back on their feet.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (State that it is for Sadie)
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Sadie) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
To donate directly to the vet office: www.vetcarefoundation.com click Tennessee and then click on Tri County
December 5, 2013 Molly A very sick and very pregnant cat
Molly was horribly neglected and has suffered at the hands of her owner who allegedly loved her, yet let her have 6 litters in her 2 short years and suffer from terrible upper respiratory infection which may still kill her and her babies. She is emaciated and missing large amounts of fur from the flea infestation she had. It is a miracle any of the babies were born alive. She had 8 altogether 2 were stillborn and one died shortly after birth. We are reporting them to our local humane society as there are many more sick animals living in the same terrible conditions and suffering. We cannot let anymore suffer like poor Molly. She is extremely weak, barley able to breathe or even lift her head. She still has no energy to clean them up or remove placenta or anything. She is getting fluids and we were able to get her to eat a tiny bit of baby food through a syringe. She will spend day getting IV fluids and likely some vitamin shots and being nebulized, she is open mouth breathing, she is getting nose drops to try to help her to breathe again through her nose. We need to raise money to cover the mounting vet bills for her. We also need large amounts of KMR kitten milk replacer to feed all the babies. She is nursing them but Dr says she has very little milk so they must be supplemented especially with such a large litter.
PayPal: anotherchancepetrescue@netzero.net
Mailing Address: Another Chance Pet Rescue P.O. Box 67962, Rochester, New York 14617
12-9-13 Pebbles Cat hit by car needs emergency surgery
This kitty was born to a feral mom and was hit by a car. He needs his tail and leg amputated and the feral colony caretaker cannot afford this urgent surgery. Please help! The donation info is below but if you wish to confirm you can call: Anyone wishing to confirm can call Meagan at Oaklawn Animal Hospital 401-943-5200
PayPal: tigersden6684@yahoo
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Pebbles) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
12-18-13 Gracie - Puppy who fell from a high distance
This precious little girl was relinquished by her owner to La Canada Pet Clinic today because she couldn't afford treatment for Gracie. She is a 1 year old long haired Chihuahua who unfortunately fell from a high distance at her home. She cannot use her front legs and needs an extensive neurological work-up which is expensive. Even $1.00 would be appreciated. Little Gracie and I thank you so much. I will keep you updated here: http://www.gofundme.com/5r0leo
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/5r0leo
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (For Gracie) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
12-23-13 Puppies rescued from puppy mill needing surgery
Raphael, Vito, and Ashur were rescued from a puppy mill.
They are Italian Greyhounds and only 8 weeks old. All 3 boys have luxating patellas and will need surgery. Surgery is several thousand dollars each. These poor little boys also have Giardia (for which they are being treated). They are shy, but want to be loved and they want a chance to be pain free and able to walk normally.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-us-walk-/119319
Mailing Address: Animal Care Center 7 Enterprise Drive, Danville, Pennsylvania 17821
12-28-13 Twinkie - Severe ear injury
We desperately need financial help to continue the medical care for Twinkie, our 208lb. Mastiff to save the hearing in his left ear and prevent any further life threatening infection. On Christmas day he suffered a severe ear injury. He is presently on antibiotics, steroids and pain meds to help ready him for surgery early next week. Unfortunately, our vetting funds were depleted by the $489.22 initial visit for his exam, tests and meds. Scruffy's Asylum has ZERO paid staff. We are a 100% VOLUNTEER run rescue, so any monies donated to us goes right to the animals !!! Twinkie is such a gentle boy and my heart is breaking knowing that he needs urgent care that presently we cannot afford. Unfortunately due to a lay off we have had no incoming funds for almost three months, leaving our personal accounts empty and credit cards almost maxed out.
PayPal: ScruffysAsylum@charter.net
Mailing Address: Scruffy’s Asylum 79095 Honeysuckle Estates Loop, Covington, LA 70435