6-2-23 Dumped kitty needs help
This is the stray cat outside my house that I feed. U cant c it in the pic but he's eye is messed up nd hes pretty dirty. I was feeding him tuna it's all I had. I have none left would like to get him to a vet nd get him a home he is a really sweet cat. I don't have enough money to buy cat food or the things he needs. He sits outside my window crying and I feel bad bc I have no food to feed him. He has been scanned and he doesn't have a collar on.
**UPDATE** she found out from a neighbor that kitty had a home and his owner died and his family tossed him outside. She is willing to bring cat inside and keep him but she has no money at all right now. TDC has supplied her with food, litter, litter box, scooper, bowls, and cat bed along with $100 toward a vet visit. We are hoping someone can donate $50 for the pet deposit the landlord requires (someone offered but has yet to send it). **she knows not to feed it in the can now)
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for stray)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for stray)
6-6-23 Bailey - stray kitty with prolapse
PLEDGES PLEASE!!! The man/finder lives in his car with 5 large dogs. He can’t care for the kitty. FOSTER RESCUE NEEDED. GUY CONTACTED FOR HELP. NOT FERAL. NEIGHBORS SAY HE WAS ABANDONED. Finder is homeless. Update: HE WILL KEEP TONIGHT AND WILL GO TO HOUSTON SPAY AND NEUTER at 7 am. IF VET SAYS HE NEEDS TO BE EUTHANIZED. Dr. HANNA WILL DO THE SURGERY… BUT WE NEED A RESCUE AND RAISE MONEY. WILL $35 for visit and $35 for sedation plus surgery. **Rescue offer but no FOSTER. We are looking at $700 +. DONATIONS NEEDED FOR Project Rescue Ready. CALL AND DONATE. KITTY IS ALREADY SEDATED. Urgent FOSTER NEEDED PLEASE. Update: KITTY WILL HAVE 3 surgeries but hopefully just 2 if everything goes well. 1ST to fix prolapse Second, they will need to open her up again to take stitches out and to spay. We don’t want to think of a 3rd one at this moment 🥹 please pray and donate to this amazing Rescue that has stepped up. Bailey is coming to me until another foster steps up. Pray for me, I am at 34 animals mostly medical so it is hard because I have a normal life (I try). Rescue is Project Rescue Ready
Vet: Houston Spay Neuter: 888-410-7729 for Bailey under Project Rescue Ready
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Bailey)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Bailey)
6-6-23 Rescue needs supplies for rescue
Our Feral Friends: Oh guys. I can’t even begin to tell you how much we need support right now, i am hoping you see this and share it even if you can’t help -sharing and interacting with our posts help the word reach those who can. We are so appreciative of all the interactions and help.
Where do I start? A woman I know from our community reached out to me about two kittens she’s been feeding for a few days. These guys are living under the porch of her neighbors home. Ones a few weeks older than the other but clearly the protector. She has kept him safe and makes sure he eats, she even makes sure he gets satisfaction by allowing him to nurse even though they are both barely old enough to be alone. We trapped them easily within the hour, looked around for more cats or kittens, but it’s been so hot I didn’t stay long. About an hour later she was messaging me with photos. She found two mamas and the remaining kittens. Two unaltered adults and five kittens living in a shed on another part of the property. These kittens either got separated from them or are dump offs from locals.My plan is to trap the remaining few tomorrow, but we need help securing vetting and funds for supplies. I can’t be a part of the problem by socializing and adopting out without vetting and leaving them there is not an option. They are close to a busy road and a playground where they risk being injured or killed.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for kittens)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for kittens)
6-9-23 Gordo - blocked kitty
Can anyone please help us with this blocked kitty. He was rescued last year with medical problems but now a new problem has surface, he is blocked and cannot urinate at all. She already spent $500 and has no more to help unblock him
Vet: Houston Spay/Neuter 888-410-7729 for Gordo under Epig Kimball
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Gordo)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Gordo)
6-10-23 Panleuk kittens
WE NEED DONATIONS AND PRAYERS NOW MORE THAN EVER!! Its costly to save their lives. If we don't get donations we hv to make a decision. A heartbreaking decision. So please share, and mk a donation if u can. Hey yall. We need your help. We just rescued these 4 kittens. They were in an abandoned house. Someone shut the window so momma was unable to get in and feed them. We aren't sure how long they hv Been without food. They aren't in good shape. They will need fluids, glucose and who knows what else. They are very emaciated. They are on way to vet.
Please help us save them. Update. Soooooòoooo the babies have the horribly dreaded panleukopenia. They are being treated at vet.
If anyone can make a donation please call vet directly at 304 788 6602 for Whiskers panleuk kittens.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for panleuk)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for panleuk )
6-10-23 Miracle - cat with leg broke and dangling
Young cat. DON’T know the story but NEEDS URGENT HELP. She or he is very alert and purring. 😪W. Belford área 77035 I am assuming they can transport any where. Lady that found it’s crying. On her way to : Veterinary Urgent Care. 713 913 7144. ****** can someone take this case please? I am at work 😰😪 under Rosalba Solano Kittie’s name: Miracle 😵💫HAS MAGGOTS 😵💫 💕RESCUE/SPONSORS NEEDED 💕💕 On her way to : Veterinary Urgent Care. 713 913 7144. ****** can someone take this case please? UPDATE Vet wants $2,000. Just for hospitalization. No treatment. Vet will give for pain and maggots. with the $200 TDC called in. I WILL CLEAN HER WOUNDS, give pain meds, fluids and hopefully she will survive and she can survive so she goes to HSN on Monday. Hopefully by Monday a rescue steps up. VET (HSN) WON’T TAKE DONATIONS OVER THE PHONE.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Miracle)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Miracle)
6-16-23 Grayson cat got outside and was attacked
My sweet Grayson somehow got outside yesterday and was attacked by something. Grayson was supposed to be a foster cat, but he got really sick with FIP, and after treatment, I decided it was best to keep him for sake. He had already been through so much in his short 13 months of life. Financially, it has been a rough month in my household. I took in a heartworm positive dog and having to pay for her ongoing treatment also. I am currently sitting in the vet's office getting to figure out how I am going to pay this bill but could not let him suffer.
Vet: George County Vet 601-947-1976 under Michelle Huntington
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Grayson)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Grayson)
6-16-23 Pelachin a very sick stray
We were just contacted about this old guy in north LV who the feeder has been feeding for many years. They call him PELUCHIN, which means something close to ‘teddy bear’. They said he’s very thin, very sick, losing his hair, and sometimes can’t stand. We asked them to bring to our vet in the morning, and we will have him admitted. We don’t know if he’s dumped or lost. We’ll check for a chip, and post him on Pawboost , etc, once we can get a better look at him. Right now, we really need good thoughts and donations to help him. PELUCHIN was just caught last night, and admitted to our vet this morning. I met the transporter there. He was whisked to the back and set up in a double kennel to begin diagnostics. Poor old guy is at least 15-17 yo, horrible URI and bloody nose, smells rotten, but still has life in his eyes. We will do the best we can for him. He is being fully worked up, so as soon as we have more information, we will post. Please understand that he is in very rough shape, send up your prayers and good vibes for him!
Vet: Mt. Vista Animal Hospital 702-458-8808. The account is under Silver Whiskers Feline Rescue.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Pelachin)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Pelachin)
6-20-23 Lucy - stomatitis
Our sweet feral mama Lucy is ready for her second procedure which is a full mouth extraction so she can be pain free at last ! 2 weeks ago, and after a month long chase, she was finally trapped in very bad shape. After exam, it was determined that her mouth was an absolute horror show and all her gums were abscessed by untreated stomatitis and she had a mass by her tonsils that was obstructing her airways. The mass was removed and sent for biopsy, fearing it was cancer and we were too late …IT WASNT. Lucy’s mass was benign and while we rejoiced in knowing her ailments could be cured, we knew we had to give this frail lady a little break before sending her back to surgery …but she is in pain and has difficulty eating and after antibiotics , you can see that she has severe drooling still ☹️ Stomatitis is an autoimmune issue where the dental plaque attacks the gums , resulting in massive infections all the way down the throat. It is extremely painful and while sometimes , there can be resolution with a course of antibiotics and steroids, when it is at the level of Lucy’s, a full mouth extraction is the only solution …no more teeth means no more plaque and the problem resolved itself…So we know need to raise $1600 to get that done for our little survivor and we need your help ! You were extremely generous and responsive with her first emergency and we are so grateful ! Let’s make it happen again so she can finally have relief !
Vet: Primary Care at (562) 274-7776 for Lucy under The Trevor Foundation.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Lucy)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Lucy)
6-20-23 Rescued kittens need help
This page was recommended to me for the kittens that have fallen under my care. I am now sitting on 19 cats. I've paid out of pocket for most of them but I'm a cripple and my funds are very limited. I have a vets office lined up for them for Wednesday. Can send photos and videos but viewer discretion is advised. There are 10 kittens between 4 weeks to 12 weeks of age. I've already taken 3 to this specific vet and it ran me about 600. The lady I'm in contact with has a different vet who will work with us and give discounted prices for all these feral kittens. I cleaned the maggots out of this poor babies wound and they are pending a vet visit Wednesday so any kitten milk that could be donated in the mean time would be a God send. I am doing a catfood puree right now with water and wet food and my old boys hard cat food. I have kitten bottles fortunately but the formula I have expired. I'm very sorry. My fridge broke so everything in it spoiled.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for kittens)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for kittens)
6-22-23 Cat caught with paw in a trap
Can anyone help with vet for a cat caught with his paw in a trap? He is in a lot of pain and the vets around here will just put him to sleep. Please I don't want him to die for someone else's horrible actions.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for trap)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for trap)
6-22-23 Kitten food desperately needed
Whiskers, Inc.
We DESPERATELY NEED Purina Kitten Chow hard food. Yellow bag.
Please send donations to 201 Green Street
Westernport MD 21562.
Thank you.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for food)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)
6-23-23 Panleuk kittens
Vet: Mountainview Veterinary Services: 304-788-6602 under Whisker, Inc. for panleuk kittens
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for panleuk)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for panleuk)
6-23-23 Natasha Cat with asthma & pneumonia
Fb friends I need your help. I have a sick asthmatic cat w pnemonia and I'm in the process of moving due to no rent. I am 2 weeks behind re t that need paid now $330. I got till sunday to go. I also havs my baby girl natasha sick. She needs vet admitted shes way sick. I have gotten requests to euthanize her. She csn be saved if a hero a angel comes through. Please please i have no place to go with my cats sunday. I need a angel to help.
Vet: Oakcrest Pet Hospital 3167224828 under Silvia Espinosa for Natasha
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for Natasha)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for Natasha)
6-30-23 Cat colony in need of food
Toni Ising is in New Jersey. I was contacted by someone who said there were about 20 cats abandoned and ask if I can help. I went over found yes there were 20 or so cats. If anyone can help food needed please pm me. I also take care of over 70 cats myself.
The Dollar Club paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (for food)
TDC mailing address: P.O. Box 535 Whitehall Pa 18052 (for food)