8-1-15 Joann'es Community Cats - feral colony out of food
8-5-15 Lucas - puppy with broken leg
A pup named "Lucas," is finally receiving attention for a badly broken leg that he suffered with for nearly two weeks while being held at the Miami-Dade Animal Services facility in Florida. Lucas was saved by Helping Paws 22. Lucas' rescuer, Melanie, wrote, " I pulled Lucas who has a broken leg and sat in the Miami Shelter with a make shift cast since they do not have a x ray machine. He was there about ten days before (Helpingpaws22 ) got him out." Lucas requires surgery to repair his damaged limb - and it is costly. The estimate is $3,000 and his rescuer is struggling to come up with the funds to help this sweet boy receive the care that he needs.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
GoFundMe: http://www.youcaring.com/lucas-402860
Broward Veterinary Specialists, at: (954) 842-4000
8-5-15 Annika dog thrown from car
Annika is an injured and severely neglected 4 year old female German Shepherd mix. The best thing that has happened to her so far is ending up in the Chipley, FL animal shelter. on 8/1. She was thrown out of a car window. She came into the shelter with a head trauma and a severely swollen brain. Thankfully, she got to the Vet in time. She would have died without the intervention that she got. She is skin and bones. But, very sweet and loving. She is doing better today. The swelling in her brain has gone down. She is on IV's, meds and pain meds. She has been vaccinated and is Heartworm negative. She will stay at the hospital and in boarding at the Vet' office until she is better. Please help us pay for Annika's care. She is a sweet girl who was able to give the staff kisses, even in her uncomfortable situation. She needs plenty of groceries, time to heal and a watchful eyes for a few days. Donations can be made via the paypal link or by calling the Vet's office at 850-638-4857 to make a donation in Annika's name. She is from the local shelter.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
http://www.youcaring.com/annika-the-injured-gsd-n-fl-rescue-501c3-405224#.Vb6H05tvrAM.facebook 8-5-15 Got a call about a kitten in severe respiratory distress. Needed to be seen immediately and owner had no money. We paid to get her there. She has a severe URI but should be ok. Her name is Kiera and she is only 10 weeks old.
8-17-15 Violet - kitten with diaphramatic hernia
Violet is a tiny kitten that was found outside. Her breathing was heavy, she would breathe with her mouth open most of the time. Little Violet has a hernia in her diaphram. Basically, all her organs are in her chest. The vet said he could hear air flow and a heart beat on the left side of her ribs but nothing on the right side of her ribs, meaning her lungs and heart are resting on one side of her body. The rest of her organs are on the right side and below her lungs and heart. When Violet eats she becomes miserable because of the pressure it puts on the rest of her organs. We have to feed her small amounts of soft cat food. We are supposed to feed her 7 - 8 times a day but can barely get her to eat twice. She also needs to drink lots of water but we are mostly having to make her drink using a syringe. Since her lungs are resting on one side of her ribs, she has trouble breathing. It is an effort for her to catch a breath on occasion. She loves to be near a fan when she is having trouble. Her life expectancy is very short due to this. The vet also believes she was run over at one point in her lifetime. This kitten is a darling. She loves to play when she can and loves to explore. She spends over half of her day sleeping however and trying to breath however so she can't be the kitten she wants to be and she can't explore the way she wishes. The surgery to replace her organs costs too much for us alone. Violet is our family and want her to survive but we need your help. Her condition will become worse until she receives her surgery. She will eventually have to be euthanized when her breathing becomes to difficult. Please help our sweet little Violet! She deserves a full life but without you we will lose her before she reaches a year old.
Wen donating, mention it is for Violet
Paypal: The Dollar Club@yahoo.com
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O.Box 4253 Bethlehem, 18018
Vet office: 309-697-8000 (Ask for Dee and ask her to put a credit on Gretchen's account (Violet's mom).
Youcaring: http://www.gofundme.com/pavagdmw
8-20-15 Sapphire - kitty with antresia-ani
Sapphire came to Joa's Arc thru another rescuer, Lorrie Hutchinson about a small 6 week old kitten found abandoned outside covered in maggots. It was thought the maggots had caused swelling to her rectal area causing severe constipation but in reality, she was born with Atresia Ani, a rare congenital defect. She is unable to pass stool thru her rectum. There is a very small hole the size of a pore directly below her rectum that expels her stool only when her colon becomes completely full which is every 4 to 5 days. You can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be for her. On her bad days, she is lethargic and listless.
NorthStar surgeon Dr. M. Joy Weinstein will perform an anoplasty, a life saving surgery on August 25th on Sapphire. This will connect her colon to her rectum and create an anal opening. This is an extensive surgery but her only hope at life. As of today, her total vet bills are over $900. Her surgery is estimated at $1600 to $1843. This does not include vaccines and spay surgery and follow up care. (All invoices and receipts will be posted in the update section, we believe in total transparency regarding the costs.) We are a 501c3 registered charity, all donations are tax deductible. EIN#80-0534753
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (mention Sapphire)
The Dollar Club P.O.Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
Joa's Arc P.O. Box 243 Audubon, NJ 08106
8-20-15 Petey - stomatitis
Petey has been diagnosed with Stomatitis. This is a extremely painful auto-immune disorder in cats where the body thinks its teeth are foreign bodies attacking it. Petey's entire mouth is covered in painful ulcer-like sores. Recently he was given antibiotics for the infection that resulted. Due to difficulty eating, he has lost 1-1/2 pounds over the last few months. Petey is 8 years old and lives with his mom in senior, low-income housing. The cure for severe stomatitis is to remove ALL of the teeth. Due to the level of pain, the vet will not remove them all in one appointment. It will be spread out over 2 appointments in order to be able to provide Petey with some comfort in between. He has no other health issues. After having experienced this disorder and procedure with one of my own furbabies, I know it will be successful. Yes, they can still eat just fine with no teeth. In fact, it was after my Mel had all his teeth removed that he became a "little pudgy". Petey and his mom live in senior, low-income housing and she adores her handsome boy. She was incredibly patient while he adjusted to their home, where others would have given up after the first week. They have been together for almost a 1-1/2 years now. Under no conditions does she want to part with Petey, but is unable to afford this expense without help. Though she does fine providing Petey with his everyday needs without difficulty, the $600 for the procedure is out of reach for her.
I have made arrangements for the vet to accept payments directly on Petey's behalf. The surgeries will be performed by the awesome Dr. Sara Wiggins.
Phelps Vet Hospital 1990 Route 96 Phelps, NY 14532 (mention Barbour/Petey in memo line)
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (mention Petey)
The Dollar Club P.O.Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
8-20-15 Grayson - kitten with a broken leg
Clarkson, KY. This guy showed up at someone's house. He is a juvenile and has a broken back leg. Save Grayson Cats is full and out of funds. Please share to help us find a foster or rescue for him. The people that found him can't keep him. He is with a temporary foster now and will be going to the vet asap. We are a small group with a 501c3 non-profit status but we are overwhelmed with needs right now. We need homes, fosters, money, adopters! But right now, this little guy needs the most help.
Paypal: http://awos.petfinder.com/shelters/KY377.html
Web-page: http://awos.petfinder.com/shelters/KY377.html#aboutsavegraysoncats
The dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
Paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
8-26-15 Oracle - Kitten hit by car
Oracle was hit by a car. She came to us with 3 major abscesses, a severe break at the left femur, and growth plate fractures. We are fighting infections with strong antibiotics. She is under pain management and receiving laser treatments. Her spirits are good, her appetite is healthy. She's a sweetheart, a real darling, brave little fighter! Join #TeamOracle ... Donate! And share...
*There is a #PayPal 'Donation' link on the left side of our Facebook page, or you can donate through our website: www.DoriDarlings.com
*Or you can contribute to our YouCaring fundraiser http://goo.gl/aRv3JQ
*Or you can donate directly to our veterinary account by phone, snail mail, or in purrson: West Houston Veterinary Medical Assoc (www.whvma.com) 13560 Briar Forest, Houston TX 77077 (281 493 4712)
8-26-15 Little Black
ok so I went out to feed my ferals and I notice my blk kitty (lil blk) had something hanging from her mouth (I thought maybe she caught a mouse I was late feeding this morning) when she got closer I seen it was grass so I attempted to quickly pull pieces out of her mouth n way from her lip.. (she is very skittish) I decided to try my luck n scruff her (I was so ready to be bit n scratched I wasn't prepared for this what so ever) she let me scruff her n hold her close to my body as I carried 2000ft to my enclosures (this right there told me something wasn't right) I went inside I went a towel with water and the other side with dawn soap and water I wrapped her in a blanket (the wrap restraint) n opened her mouth she has a thick clear gluey gooey substance all over her mouth and lips n front teeth her air ways seem fine... I shoved my towel in her mouth n cleared most of it away but every time she opened her mouth I would see more and more... its very sticky n u cant grip it with ur finger u must use a rag to clear it. its very slimy. I cant take her to a vet at the moment. im concern has someone ever experienced this does someone know what this is.. it kinda looks like a women's vagnial cervical mucus its stretchy slimy n all of the above I think rubber cement glue when I see it... but it has no oder its very very sticky I used the dawn soap to clean her mouth area n lips on the outside what can I use to get this out I tried scrapping it with tweezers (its too slimy)
Sent payment to Leesville Pet Hospital 540-710-7111
8-29-15 Giza - urinary blockage
Giza is one of the cats from Punkin Pawz & Palz. He is 4 years old. He woke up his mommies with a low guttural cry which is extremely unlike him. I knew immediately that something was wrong. He struggled when held and fought his way to get down and then tried to pee on the floor in front of me. Giza ALWAYS uses the litter box. He was unable to actually pee. All that came out was a drop of blood and then he started that low crying again. It was obviously painful for him. We tried calling several vets, but no one was available until today. It took calling around for many hours even today to get him to be seen. (Our regular vet is on vacation). We got him to the vet and found out for sure what we already suspected: his urethra is completely blocked. The good news is we caught it early enough that treatment is still an option. The bad news is we don't have enough to cover the treatment. Without treatment, Giza will die. The vet gave us an estimate and agreed to keep him overnight with a small deposit to monitor him with the hopes that we can raise the rest of the money needed for treatment. The estimate we were given is $442.00 to $800.00 and the vet feels it will probably be closer to the high side of the estimate. This includes medications, proceedures and monitoring while he is there. We are on a very limited income being that we are both on disability. For regular vet expenses we can save and plan ahead, but this emergency has caught us off guard. Any help is greatly appreciated. Giza only has us to depend on and we are doing everything we can to help him.
The dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018 (For Giza)
Paypal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (For Giza)
Vet Office: 716-372-1759. Please use account #20805 and tell them its for Giza.