12-5-14 Buddy - Dog hit by car and left to die
This is Buddy... He was hit by a car and left to die on the street until MDAS picked him up...We could not turn away from him! We could not let him be killed! How could anyone hurt him so badly and just drive away? Didn't they see the pain in his BLEEDING eyes? Didn't they hear him crying from the pain? Why didn't they care? We don't know. But he is safe now...Buddy is severely injured and currently receiving much needed medical treatment. His hospitalization and treatment is very expensive and we need urgent help with funds!! He will also need a lot of help with behavioral rehabilitation!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/buddy-hit-by-car-and-left-to-die-/272729
The Dollar Club (For Buddy) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
12-6-14 Help for 14 cats of owner in ICU
My neighbor was in a horrible car accident and is in ICU. These cats are her beloved pets. These animals are her life and she does the best she can for them. She delivers newspapers, drives 100 miles at night to get them. She was driving to get the papers when they hit black ice. The car rolled 3 times and she was thrown from the car and is in ICU. I cannot financially take this on with out help. The cats are all spayed/neutered. She feeds Atta cat. $14 for 20lbs. They all have fleas and ear mites. I am out of food for them, some litter left. I don't know when Kerry will come home from the hospital. She has 7 broken ribs, collapsed lung, 2 broken vertebrae and was scalped backwards. I need help with food, litter, flea meds etc. I just do not have the resources to cover all that is needed, food, litter, and flea/ear mite meds are most pressing.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/help-for-14-cats-owner-in-critical-condition-
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
12-9-14 Charlie - very sick cat
Charlie is a rescue kitten who is currently in my care. He was already to a vet twice, he was diagnosed with upper respiratory infection and Calicivirus which is painful, it causes sores in their mouth and makes it hard to eat. He was on clavamox for two weeks as well as anti viral meds for Calici and seemed to improve but he went down hill quick when he finished his meds with his eye becoming infected, sneezing, bloody noses and more sores in his mouth. I am so worried about him and need to get him to the vet ASAP. I feel terrible that I'm financially tapped out from all the vet care he's already received. I put 100% into these babies. Harvey the mustache kitty was a previous rescue that is now in his forever home. He nearly died from what he was dealt, his vet care was over $1,000 in addition to what I paid but we managed to get help for him and was so thankful for what you did for him as well! This little guy Charlie is 12 weeks old, hes neutered, he's got all his vaccinations and is a total love despite being so sick.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Vet info: Trucksville dog and cat hospital 215 S Memorial Hwy Shavertown, Pa 18708 The phone # 570-696-1146
12-9-14 Chester - cat that needs eye removed
Chester is about 3 years old and is a little guy at barely 8 pounds who was abandoned last year when his family moved. He remained sweet and begged neighbors for help. He suffered as an outdoor cat and arrived at SCOOP in mid October with seriously infected ears that were bloody and painful. He had dermatitis from a flea infestation and open wounds from being attacked by another animal. He also has a heart murmur and saw a cardiologist last week. A veterinary ophthalmologist said his eye cannot be saved. Pressure is building and he’s in pain. Chester has been recovering for 7 weeks now at SCOOP in order to regain his strength and will undergo eye removal surgery tomorrow, December 10th. His medical care will approach $2,000, but a full recovery is expected.
PayPal: email@scoopcat.org
Mailing address: SCOOP, Inc. P.O. Box 46624 Cincinnati, OH; 45246-0524
12-11-14 Allie & Nitro - Dogs shot by neighbors
Our dogs have been being stalked and harmed over the last several months. The first time it caused the death of them. This time Nitro and Allie were almost killed. The dogs were shot on our porch. Allie needs major reconstructive surgery of her jaw & face where they shot her and Nitro needs some more extensive scans to keep an eye on the location of the bullet fragments. Tomorrow they will be able to go into more detail and show us more but she has to see the dentistry dept and soft tissue dept tomorrow
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/btbd24
Vet Telephone: 573-882-7821 (Account Kathryn Chamness, for Allie and Nitro)
Vet mailing address: MidWest Vets 2540 N. Buff Fulton Mo. 65211
Facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/FollowAllieMaeandNitro/timeline
12-13-14 Teddy - cat with terrible infection
Hi my name is teddy and I need to get my eye removed. My mommy got me like this off of Craigslist and is trying so hard to come up with the money. The vet bill is $400. My mommy has been selling all her stuff to help, so far she has gotten $45. Please help him they want to remove his eye or put him to sleep and he is the happiest most precious loving kitten ever I held him in my arms. Watching him cuddle and purr only a couple months old and doesn't even know he has such a bad infection in his eye. Thankfully it has not reached his body and is on antiobiotics and pain management. Please all share this. I offered what I had in cash so did Monroe animal league and a friend also donated. Now little fella needs the surgery within a week they said at the VERY LATEST or else... Please this is a plea for help, from the little guy that can not meow to you himself.
The vet I am going to is Pocono Lake Animal Hospital the number is 570-646-2963
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
12-15-14 Cleo - rescued dog needs heart surgery
This is little Cleo. After we took her into our family, we discovered she was born a runt and that her heart has an audibly abnormal beat. When we took Cleo to the vet, the doctor detected a heart murmur, and an echocardiogram confirmed that she has a genetically inherited condition called Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). It is life threatening, and dogs with this condition have 1-2 years to live, before they die from heart failure. This was devastating news to say the least, and the thought of losing our little one is unbearable. But, Cleo’s condition can be corrected with surgery. The success rate is very high, with patients being able to live a normal life. Our vet has referred us to a highly experienced board certified cardiologist.
The cost of the heart surgery itself is estimated to be $6,000. This is not including the costs for the consultation ($160), ultrasounds ($500 each time), follow up exams, medication, and recovery/aftercare. And unfortunately, we have encountered an additional problem. The poor circulation in Cleo’s body has also led to bluish tinged gums and poor dental health. We plan to have the oral surgery and treatment done at the same time as the heart surgery so Cleo does not have to go under twice. Therefore, adding up everything, the estimated total may be closer to a hefty $10,000. Even just the heart surgery alone is more than we can afford so we are seeking any help we can get. Cleo’s life depends on this surgery, and we are very worried because her situation is especially time-sensitive and a matter of life and death. Please help us reach our goal.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/a-heart-for-cleo-in-the-new-year/278483
Mailing Address: Advanced Veterinary Care Center 15926 Hawthorne Blvd. Lawndale, CA 90260
12-17-14 Bubba - Dog with cancer
Bubba has two lumps one on the inside of his back thigh that actually opened up and had hole you could see through and one on the outside of leg. Vet has put him on steroid treatment and anti-biotic. The open one needs to be removed and biopsied. If he has cancer they said they would give him meds to live his life out at home. I am on SSI and fighting cancer myself. I can not afford the biopsy and I can't lose him he is truly all I have. I will feed him before I will eat. I really really need help with him and even if he had to be put down I don't even have that but if he is going to pass I would like him to be home with me where he is comfortable.
Paypal: Thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Address: Mt Pocono Animal Hospital 257 Old Route 940 Pocono Lake Pa 18347 phone number is 570.646.2963
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (For BossMan)
or mailing address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
12-22-14 Eddie - cat that need ear surgery DESPERATELY
This holiday season has been very rough for Eddie, a six year old Seal Point Siamese saved from a feral colony. He is recovering from recent dental surgery to repair broken teeth and infected gums and now faces radical ear surgery. As a result of severe and chronic ear infections, Eddie’s ear canals have closed up. Other treatment methods have failed and due to increasing hearing loss, Eddie is becoming withdrawn and cowers at human touch. His constant pain can be alleviated and the quality of his life greatly improved by undergoing ear ablation surgery. A long and expensive procedure, the ablation involves removal of the ear canal and is Eddie’s only hope for a pain free life.
PayPal: http://www.petcaring.com/nonprofits/eddie-s-miracle-depends-on-you-/44101
Mailing address: Mid Hudson Animal Aid 54 Simmons Lane Beacon, NY 12508
12-23-14 Cleo - portosystemic Liver shunt
Cleo needs to be on 2x daily 2 different medication and prescription NF Dry and canned food, her medications daily are: Denamarin and Lactulose. She has been on these since a kitten, I have had her since 7 weeks old, now almost 6 years old. I find it financially difficult to get her blood work done and her liver enzymes tested as usually done to keep her alive and well. Her Appt has been put off for too long and she needs to keep this visit to be sure she is okay, I am disabled, barely any income and on soc sec, and not able to make payment to vet and canceled appt twice.. **** the first wk of January is the last rescheduled visit in order to keep her well PLEASE help me help her.. thanking you in advance...... (Kanyons Golden veterinarian - Dr. Kris Cyr, Rte 209, Brodheasville, PA) The vet is on facebook for more info., CLEO's appt is on 1/5/2015 and we do not have the $$ for it, which will be over $400. Cleo has no idea that she is even sick a beautiful loveable cuddle bug who sleeps by my heart every night. I need to make sure she is okay please and cannot cancel this appt again, it could be her life!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/cleopatra-needs-help-with-her-portosystemic-liver-shunt-/280669#.VJWDB6sS2cE.email
Mailing address: Dr. Kris Cyr.. Kanyon's Golden Veterinary Care, LLC, P.O. Box 111 - 1799 Rte 209, Brodheadsville, PA. 18322 (570) 402-0572
12-23-14 Sushi - Needs $100 to be pulled from a kill shelter
(Not normally something we do, but.....Merry christmas
Feral Paws Rescue
12-28-14 Hope - abused puppy
Hope has ear infection, vaginal swelling, infection and discharge, rectal swelling and bruising, and a brutal skin infection. She cannot sit down and is very afraid. Until we know and understand more about her past ourselves, we will share all we can with you and hope you understand the need for discretion. Anytime there is a chance of stopping an abuser, we WILL do all we can. Hope’s care and treatment are just beginning. If you can help, it is appreciated and desperately needed: PLEASE share her story. IT HELPS. Say a prayer for our girl
Pay Pal: eaglesdenrescue@live.com or
Mailing Address: Eagle’s Den Rescue 1453 Campbell Rd
Clarkton, NC 28433
12-29-14 Sadie - broken teeth & growth on gum
Sadie is a sweet senior Jack Russell Terrier that needs a little help. Not much is known about Sadie's life before being rescued, she was found in the freezing cold, hungry and infested with fleas. She has a very large growth on her gums that needs to be removed and biopsied. She also has a broken tooth that needs to be pulled ASAP, it is now causing her face to swell and we fear it may abscess. Sadie now has a warm, safe foster home, with lots of food and love. She just needs these medical issues taken care of so that she can be ready for adoption. She saw the vet and got her rabies shot and an exam. We got an estimate for the procedure she needs, which includes bloodwork and a biopsy of the growth. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/sadie-s-medical-treatment/266534#.VJ5fg824-_4.facebook
Mailing address: Memorial Veterinary Hospital 1534 Route 6 Scranton Carbondale Hwy. Scranton PA 18508 (Sadie/St Cats Scranton rescue
12-30-14 Daisy - VERY abused sick dog (PASSED)
We are still urgently trying to raise funds for Daisey. she is being treated for pneumonia right now. if anyone can help us help her our pay pal is pepperfoundation@aol.com This little girl has been through so much, first dumped in a dog park with cigarette burns on her belly and then diagnosed with an autoimmune disease but even with all that she manages to be the sweetest little girl ever. We dont want to give up on her!!! She is still currently at VCA hospital in West LA
Paypal: pepperfoundation@aol.com
Mailing address:The Pepper Foundation 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Suite 735 Studio City, CA 91604
12-31-14 Rosebud - cat from feral colony with lump on neck
Rosebud is a young kitty that was living outside with a colony. She was set to be spayed when she had a massive abcess on her neck and a week later was seen imbalanced and falling over. She was trapped and after several weeks of treamtent for an inner ear infection she is not improving. The vet needs to go in and flush her ear to hopefully help get the bacteria out to stop the infection. If it doesn't work she will need a specialist. We are solo rescuers with no backing. We need everyones help so we can help this little sweet girl get better. Please consider donating so this special girl can get better and find a furever home.
Mailing address: Vernon Vet PO Box 263 Vernon NJ 07462 (For Rosebud Scott)