1-1-15 The Dane Farm Great Dane Sanctuary, Inc.
PAYPAL: http://www.gdromn.org/
Mailing address: DANE FARM, 8238 WALDORA RD, SIREN WI 54872
1-3-15 Goyle - needs surgery to walk again New years eve Goyle got sick and couldn't move his back legs he was paralyzed we took him to the vet and they had us take him to Akron and did immediate surgery he is in recovery now. The cost is 5,000 plus we sold some things and put the down payment but have to have the balance to pick him up. I know to some he's "just" a dog to us he is our three year old son who helped me through the darkest time of my life. I've been through a lot in my life and have worked since I was 13 and have always helped others I'm sorry I have to ask now but anything would be appreciated thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I cannot bring him home until we pay the balance of the vet fees.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/jmq408
Mailing address: Dr. Crane Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital 1053 S Cleveland-Massillion Rd Akron Ohio 44321
330-670-2358 His name is Goyle Rickus
1-4-15 S. Korean Boston Terrier terribly abused puppy
We have been asked to help this 6 month old Boston Terrier from our rescue partners in S. Korea. This breaks our heart and shocks us all. We have seen some terrible things, but to torture a pup for the joy of it takes the cake. This poor puppy was tortured, burnt with cigarettes, and part of his hind leg was chopped off with a machete. What evil does this you ask??? His previous owner, that's who! Tortured him for the joy of it!!! He is currently safe with our rescue partners in S. Korea. He will be arriving into our rescue in a month or so and we will need your help! Once he's under our care, we will do all we can to make sure that he has the best treatment medically (as he will require his hind leg amputated) and emotionally
His GoFundMe Link - http://www.gofundme.com/jldpg0
PayPal: frommyheartrescue@hotmail.com
Mailing address: Brock Street Animal Hospital c/o FMHR 1-3500 Brock Street North, Whitby, ON-L1R 3J4
1-5-15 Bennie/Supreme - rescue dog having seizures
Poor Supreme was rescued from the kill list in NYACC. He went to his foster home and spent 3 days in foster care. He was very scared and his foster mom was hand feeding him and sleeping with him in the living room. When she took him for a walk before bed, he managed to slip out of his collar and that began a 3 day search. The foster, SAVE and SAVE friends went into action on the internet and the streets and it worked! On day 3 Supreme was found at a neighbors home. He was found the morning after he got loose. We were all so elated that he was home, safe and sound but that was short lived. The day after Supreme was home he had a bad seizure and was rushed to the hospital. The vets think it may be rat poison or a seizure disorder. He has been at VERG Emergency Vet North since Saturday night. He has not had another seizure, but still being treated for trembling. That is not indicative to epilepsy, so we are fearing some type of toxic exposure. Tonight is going to be his second night there. We are praying he will keep strong and pull through. We wonder if he knows that even though his first family abandoned him, that there are many people who care about him and wishing him well. SAVE costs so far in this short time we have had him is approximately $1500 not including his second night in the hospital.
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=1dhkydL-XVmh5ybGvN6MEX9Koy3qo6ouXX78qjD4j0sRXlcYhLtKgY5WQ-8&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d66f31424b43e9a70645c907a6cbd8fb4
Mailing address: SAVE PO Box 503 Island Heights NJ 08732
1-3-15 Center city Cats - out of food for ferals
1-9-15 Whiskers - abandoned elderly cat needs emergency tooth removal
Whiskers' owner passed away and the family members sent him to the pound. He was not happy there and lost a lot of weight then he got a really bad URI. I removed him from the pound on Christmas Eve. I just could stand to know of a cat having lost his owner and now was spending Christmas in the pound. We took him to our local vet on the 26th where he was treated for his URI with antibiotics and was given sub-q fluids because he was severely dehydrated. He wasn't eating anything at all and I was having to suyringe feed him chicken baby food and was also giving him nutri cal to help him gain energy and start eating again. Yesterday, Jan. 6th, he finally ate his first can of cat food willingly. :) This poor kitty has not had a very good/easy life. His ear is damaged from a hemotoma that happened years ago and was untreated. There isn't anything that can be done for his ear now. He is missing all of his teeth on the entire right side of his mouth. Some are completely gone where they had fallen out and others are broken off to the point they are causing him pain and they need to be removed. The teeth on his left side are in VERY Bad condition and the vet told me today that almost al of those will need to be removed. He is scheduled for dental/teeth removal surgery on the 27th of january. I was given an estimate of $200.00 for this surgery. I am concerned about him having surgery because the pound listed his age as 2 years old but the vet said he is more like 12 - 15 years old. He is a very old gentleman. But, in order for him to feel better he needs his teeth removed. If you can help any at all I greatly appreciate it! Whiskers is such a sweet kitty and I think he would enjoy having his last years be pain free. Maybe he will start eating like crazy and put some weight on his emaciated litle body. Currently every bone on his back, ribcage and hip bones are visable.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/whiskers-needs-his-teeth-removed/287964
Mailing Address for Vet: Mountain View Veterinary Clinic, 113 Industry Ln, Woodlawn, VA 24381. 276-238-0716 It is under my husband's name: Anthony Ferritto. Account number 3641
1-9-15 Beauty - kitten with broken spinThis is Beauty; a 6 week old kitten that was rescued 4 days ago from an unfit home, she was found paralyzed from her mid-back all the way down to her perfect little toes due to a major injury to her thoracic spine. Myself and two of my friends took her and brought her to a specialist vet where they told us her only hope of survival is spinal surgery. Her T-12 vertebra is fractured and the inflammation from that is pressing on her spinal cord. The prognosis for recovery is hopeful and she is a fighter to the core. We want to go ahead with the surgery; however, we are three girls in our early 20s and we cannot afford the entire surgery ourselves and Beauty needs our help to live out her long and happy life! This surgery is time-sensitive because if she goes too long without the pressure being relieved off her spinal cord she can lose feeling permanently. So if you could please find in your hearts to help this sweet little girl, she, and all of us who helped save her from a terrible fate, will be truly grateful.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/jmtr8s
Mailing address: Long Island Veterinary Specialists 163 South Service Road, Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 501-1700
1-9-15 Phoebe - We helped sweet Phoebe cross the Rainbow Bridge
She was very ill with no chance of recovery and suffering greatly. Her mom had no money so we were able to help her across the Rainbow Bridge
1-16-15 Feral Paws Rescue
Domino and Tanger needed pledges to rescue them from a kill shelter. Their time
was up, we had some money, so they will now be safe.
1-16-15 Angel - kitten hit by car
Angel is a neighborhood stray who was being fed by a local caretaker on Staten Island. He stopped showing up for a while, and when he finally did show up he looked very badly injured and in pain. A call for help was put out, as the caretaker could not catch him, but our Dawn LaPeruta was able to trap him and bring him to the vet:
South Shore Animal Hospital 125 New Dorp Lane Staten Island, NY (718) 980-2600
The vet says he was hit by a car a few days ago and has head trauma, and the eye definitely needs to be removed. They have given him pain meds. Angel is fiv/felv negative. He is a sweet friendly boy. He was purring and kneading in Dawn's arms at the vet. Please donate to help him, and send prayers for his speedy recovery. We can't wait for him to be well so we can find him a forever home.
PayPal: http://www.petcaring.com/nonprofits/angel-was-hit-by-car-needs-emergency-surgery/47775
Mailing address: THe Dollar Club (For Angel) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
1-16-15 Marley - dog viciously attacked
Marley was rescued by Forget-Me-Not at the eleventh hour from the Manatee pound. The paperwork was already completed by MCAS to put him to death. He needs extensive care to heal and begin a normal life. Marley's happy life was shattered when his owner was sentenced to jail. His uncle tried to care for him, but was not physically able to do so. Marley is thin & appears malnourished. The uncle tied Marley outside with a thin slip lead around his neck (no collar). He was subsequently attacked by 3 dogs and sustained severe injuries. Marley laid unattended in a nearby field for days. By the time he was admitted to Bradenton Veterinary Emergency, his mangled ears were severely infected. The next morning, Marley was transferred to the county vet. He will require extensive treatment & care to recover from his injuries. Marley needs your help to cover the cost of his treatment and rehabilitation. Marley will be on a high quality diet. When he has recovered sufficiently, he will be tested for heartworm and neutered. Once Marley's health has been restored, he will be available for adoption. We expect his recovery period will span at least 6 months.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/marley-s-miracle/292034#fundraiser-details
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (For Marley) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
1-16-15 Becca - shelter dog with broken leg
Becca is a 1 to 2 year old female mixed breed dog, about 50 pounds. She arrived at the shelter with an injury to her left front paw, possibly a gun shot wound, and swelling traveling up the entire leg. She's a friendly girl who has been very patient and cooperative with us despite being in obvious pain. This sweet girl needs medical attention as soon as possible to prevent further problems and save her leg. We got Becca to the Vet Saturday. She has a broken leg. Please help Becca!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/becca-at-chipley-shelter-has-a-broken-leg-/290425#supporters
Mailing address: Animal Control of West Florida (For Becca) 686 Highway 90 Chipley, FL 32428
1-21-15 Lola - burned in a house fire
Friends, a new feature! I called in $200 but she needs ongoing debridement surgery so she can use a lot more donations! The vet said she just had her second surgery yesterday and is doing ok but it will still be touch and go for a while. Also, I don't know if we will be able to get updates since this woman lost everything, but I will try.
A girl lost EVERYTHING in a house fire. She had to jump out of a 2nd story window. A fireman had to go into to get her dog because she could not find her before she got out. Lola is covered in burns! If anyone can, donations would be greatly appreciated. Her surgery is very expensive. If you can't make a money donation, just go by and love on her. I went by and didn't want to leave! They said if you bring a toy she'd probably prefer a puppy teething toy that they could freeze because it would feel good on her mouth!
Paducah Veterinary Clinic 3205 Central Ave, Paducah, KY 42001 or if you want to call in a donation it is 270-443-8835. The account is for Lola Miller.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (note that it is for Lola)
1-21-15 Baby Girl - stomatitis (Owner was also in a horrible car accident)
Baby Girl was rescued from Mississippi. Baby Girl is one of the sweetest cat you will ever meet. When I was in the hospital she got shot with a bb gun in the mouth. We got it to heal up but she was still in pain we thought she had a broken tooth from being shot . When we took her to the vet Baby Girl was diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis. :( .So now she needs surgery. They need to removal of all of a Baby Girl's teeth :( it will cost $1000. with my car accident I'm in financial hardship. Baby Girl trys to stay by my side as much as she can. she loves to sit on the back of my wheel chair and her purring brings me comfort and helps me sleep. I hate that she is in so much pain. I do not believe in putting a cat to sleep, when you adopt a cat it is a commitment to take care of them they become and are part of your family.
Also, please see the owners gofundme page, she was in a horrible car accident and has lost her sight: http://www.gofundme.com/lisaviering
Paypal: http://www.gofundme.com/lisa-039-sbabygirl
Mailing address: Magazine Street Animal Clinic, 3458 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 | (504) 891-4115
Mention it is for Baby Girl - Stephen P. Viering account
1-21-15 Tuna - Dumped Elderly cat needs eye removed and teeth out
Miss tuna was dumped from a car in the pouring rain last Monday in front of our house. Poor girl just sat there until we checked on her. Brought her in out of the cold and rain to only realize she had a badly damaged eye and was blind in the other. Obviously starved and alone. .We took her in. Called the vet. He says she's in her teens. Needs the bad eye removed and all remaining teeth removed due to malnutrition and poor diet. I just think she deserves to have a happy remainder of her life. ..this fundraiser is for Tuna to be able to get her eye removal surgery and teeth removed..I have created this for those that are so generous to help us and here we can see how far we are from Tuna's goal!! You can also call the vet directly. . Dr Lindsey in Clemson SC. 864 654 4204 Acct# 5427. You have to tell them my name "Barb Bennett" & that it is for the stray cat!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/help-miss-tuna-get-her-eye-removal-surgery-and-dental-work-/292880#.VLsM4N5HJ-8.facebook
Mailing address: Clemson Animal Hospital 108 liberty drive Clemson SC 29631
864 654 4204 Acct# 5427 for Barb Bennett
1-22-15 Pooh - young cat has stomatitis
Pooh kitty gums are inflamed and infected. She needs dental work ASAP. Vet (Gallagher) gave Pooh a shot of antibiotics and a shot to help her eat. Blood work shows: Blood proteins are low. Immune protein is high. Kidney shows some dehydration. She shows she is a little anemic. Please help Pooh feel better. Lets get her better before she gets worse. She is only eating very wet canned food. Not a lot, about 5 oz a day. Thank you from all the Rescues here at Bright Eyes Animal Rescue & Adoption. :)
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/pooh-needs-dental-work-to-relieve-pain-infection/292500#supporters
Mailing address: DVM Gallagher at Mint Hill Animal Hospital, 8101 Fairview Rd, Mint Hill, NC 28227 (704) 545-3422 1-23-15 Leila - cat needs emergency surgery We sent $210.00 to get to goal so this kitty can get her surgery.
Leila needs emergency prolapse surgery or will die!!! It's an extreme emergency and surgery needs to be done or it will kill her Dr Sessa says. Hollywood Animal Hospital 954-920-3556 please share and donate whatever you can. Please help save her. Catcrusade@aol.com via paypal also.
Cat Crusaders - Fort Lauderdale via VCA Hollywoo

d Animal Hospital
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
1-27-15 Winnie - dog attacked by 2 owls
Please meet Winnie…Two owls attacked Winnie, and they really did a number on her. Winnie is a special dog, I have epilepsy, and Winnie can detect if I am going to have a seizure and warn me. She suffered a lot of muscle and Kidney damage due to the owl attack and will have to have IV therapy at home for the rest of her life. Right now I am on Social security and it is very hard for me to pay the vet bills. If not for Little River Veterinary Clinic 515 Glenwood Mill Rd, Cadiz, KY 42211 (270) 522-4445 and one of it's owner's Joanna Freeman coming in at 4 A.M. to take are of her there is not doubt she would not be here today. Please help her me save her as Winnie as has saved me many times. Donation’s be made here or directly to the vet, the information is posted above. Thank you for your help. It is only fair that after she saving me many times that I try to save her. Blessing’s to each of you.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/ka0t30
Mailing address: Little River Veterinary Clinic 515 Glenwood Mill Rd, Cadiz, KY 42211 (270) 522-4445
1-27-15 Sparta - kitten who is blind, and has a broken leg from being shot!!
Sparta is 1-2 years old and came from Pendleton County KY. He was malnourished and has severe infection in both eyes leaving him blind. The condition of his eyes cause discomfort, inflammation, and infection. Double entropion compounds this. At the vets discretion, it will be better on him to have both removed since he cannot see anyway. He's lived a rough life. He also has a broken leg and it was just discovered that he was shot! He still has bullet fragments in his leg and that too will need to be removed.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/spilledmilkcs
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Sparta) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
or PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (For Sparta)
1-28-15 Apu - kitty with a blocked bladder
I am in need of help with my kitty Apu. He is at the vet as I write. I am a disabled widow undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I barely exist on $753. I had to rush Apu who is 3 &1/2 years old to the vet because he was unable to urinate. I couldn't wait for help,or apply then wait or he'd have died. He couldn't urinate Monday evening,January 26th so the next morning,Tuesday I had no other choice but to rush to the vet. I will owe aprox.$240. because I have already had $65 of that bill paid. This didn't include any meds they'll send home with him. I hope I'm doing this correctly.I just know I need help urgently to pay this vet. They have to make sure he can urinate alright before they release him. I will need him on a special diet and can use help with the food too,but for now,I would be very,very greatful to have help with the vet bill. Thank you for reading this and for your time.
PayPal: Thedollarclub@yahoo.com (For Apu)
Mailing address: Anderson Veterinary 1015 14th St. Hartsville,SC 29550 (843) 332-3011