07-06-15 Magicat - broken femur
Magicat has been with me since he was born. He's my best furbuddy, and my baby, since I will never be able to have the human kind. Early Tuesday, we found Magicat limping badly. He couldn't put any weight on his right rear leg without showing severe pain. I thought it was a dislocated hip. I WISH it was a dislocated hip, but no, x-rays show that this indoor-only cat somehow snapped his femur in two! It's a "simple spiral fracture," which means no little bone chips, but it broke at a sharp angle leaving two blade shaped bones pointing at each other. These are now sliding over and past each other into, well, the inside of his leg. Ow! Because of the way cats are built, a fractured femur can NOT be put in a cast or splinted. (Like one of our ribs, there is too much cat in the way, and nothing to wrap around.) Surgery is the only way to help him. Because of this, the vets say, that if I can't pay for surgery I will have to put him down. No,this is NOT an option! Magicat enjoys life WAY too much! He's still got years left, he plays and jumps around like a kitten, and follows me around like a puppy.
At least he did until this happened. I searched and searched, and finally found a qualified veterinarian who will do the surgery for less than half the going rate. However, I am on a limited, fixed income, and can't afford even that. (I try to anticipate upcoming vet bills, but I didn't see this one coming at all!)I have never done this kind of fundraising before, and I'm uncomfortable asking for help, but Magicat is in pain, and I will do anything to help him! He's got a Fentanyl patch ($23.50 every three days) that helps a lot with the pain, but he needs the surgery as soon as possible, because patch or no patch,broken bones hurt!
X-rays, the radiologist, presurgical lab work, and exams by his doctor and the surgeon total $642. Pain meds are $23.50 every three days, or about $55 a week. He'll need that before and after surgery---though less after! I'm just guessing 30 days total, $235---it could be more. The surgical estimate with anesthesia, pathology, fluids and hospitalization runs from a low of $861.78 to a high of $1,034.78. $642+$235+$1035=$1,912
Donations can be made to: PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
7-14-15 Logan - Pulmonic Stenosis (heart)
Logan is a beautiful Pit bull that we got when he was 8 weeks old, At his first vet checkup we discovered he had a stage 4 heart murmur. We took him and had an Ultrasound and found out he has Pulmonic stenosis. We were told that Logan can possibly grow out of his heart condition and to wait till he's older, but if he didn’t then the kink in his heart can be fixed with surgery. They proceeded to prescribe him a natural supplement for heart support. We saved money and knew it was time for him to go into the specialist center to evaluate his breathing and heart condition. We brought him into a cardiologist who specializes in heart procedures with the intentions of getting his condition treated. Well to our surprise, the doctor had told us that he has fluid in his lungs. He was diagnosed with CHF on top of the Pulmonary Stenosis. Five months into medications and Logan is still alive and his CHF is finally stable, but without the procedure he will not have a chance of possibly surviving much longer. It is $2800.00 for the balloon valvuloplasty. We Love our dog so much and don’t want to see him go from our lives just yet. We have consulted with many doctors and opinions are mixed, but the positive side to it would be for our dog to undergo the surgery as soon as soon as possible to stop the damage from continuing. Once from there the recovery can begin and Logan’s health will return to almost a natural state within six months. Then hopefully the medications will be weaned off and his CHF will just be monitored for the remainder of his life. So it is with this story that you animal lovers out there will find it in your hearts to donate a few dollars to our cause. Then Logan can continue to be loved and cared for with us for many years to come!
Donations can be made to:
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
GoFundMe: http://www.gofundme.com/yp5d25dc
7-15-15 Cleo - severe stomatitis and URIAs a rescuer I've seen many sad things. On a warm July afternoon during a TNR project in a local neighborhood, there was discovered many sick young cats and kittens barely surviving in hoarders back yard, eating a burnt hotdog . With some help of fellow volunteers, it was decided to remove as many as possible. We got 6 very skinny/emaciated, sick babies out of there. They were immediately sweet and loving despite obvious eye and upper respiratory infections. All of which were all seen and are being treated for. Sadly upon Cleo's exam it was immediately discovered that she in addition to the URI has severe Stomatitis and needs surgery (teeth extracted) as soon as possible. Stomatitis is an awful disease effecting cats teeth and gums. They become severely inflamed and infected, the only cure is the extraction of their teeth. They go on to live happy healthy lives afterwards. She has been struggling to eat, I assumed it was due to the bad URI as its common for cats not to eat when they can't smell. However Stomatitis is nasty and makes it nearly impossible for cats to eat. Cleo really needs our help as this surgery is life saving so she will be able to eat, gain weight and thrive. Cleo, once well, will be available for adoption. Cleo's estimated surgery costs are $385 (I posted a picture of the estimated cost) her vet is:
Dr. Stair at Trucksvillle Animal hospital 1070 Memorial Hwy. Shavertown, PA 18708 (570)696-1146
I wanted to raise $500 for her surgery of est. $385 and follow up/after care. Thank you in advance!
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
GoFundMe: http://www.youcaring.com/cleo-a-cat-rescued-from-hoarders-suffering-with-stomatitis-392666
Supplied food for a large feral cat colony
7-26-15 Charlie - elderly dog with several medical issues
Charlie is a 12 year old, 14lb rat terrier found as a stray in Brooklyn, NYC and taken into the kill shelter. He escaped being euthanized at the last moment due to us, Red Hook Dog Rescue, taking him into our care. This gentle little man needs extensive medical care -- an echocardiogram, senior bloodwork, a complicated neuter (due to a large testicular tumor) and potentially cataract surgery. He is a sweet fella who loves to be on his human's lap (see his adorbs video here) and we want to make his senior years as comfortable as possible. Charlie is being transported to our vet on 7/21 and then we need to pay for his medical care! Please donate to relieve Charlie of the pain of his tumor, and ensure him a better quality of life!
We also are seeking a "fospice" home for Charlie, to spend his elder years. He seems good with all people and is probably good with gentle, quiet other dogs and/or cats. Please email us at rhdrdoggies@gmail.com if you are in the Northeast US and interested in fospicing little Charlie! And check out our other adoptable dogs here.
We are a 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax-deductible!
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
GoFundMe: http://www.youcaring.com/red-hook-dog-rescue-396285
7-26-15 Gidget - needs double hip replacement
Our sweet baby Gidget is in need of your help. Gidget and her siblings were dumped at a kill shelter when they were 6 weeks old. FurEver Friendz was suppose to pull them at that time, but they all developed ring worm, so the shelter wanted to keep them back and treat them. Once they were cleared they ended up with upper respiratory and were not in the shape to be transported. Eventually all of them ended up with demodex and were slated to be put to sleep. FurEver Friendz was not going to let that happen. After spending most of their puppyhood confined to a small shelter cage with no exposure to the outside world we wanted to change that for them. At 16 weeks old we brought this group to FurEver Friendz where we treated them for mange, had them spayed/neutered and exposed them to life, these guys thrived on life. except for poor little Gidget. She was not clearing from her demodex and was discovered to have entropion, which she then needed corrective eye surgery. She healed nicely after surgery and all of her mange had disappeared only for poor Gidget to start limping and not wanting to run and play like all the other puppies. We then took her to our vet to see if she had a sprain or something easily treatable. After xrays Dr. Hamilton came to us with bad news. Due to a defect which was most likely cause by inbreeding, baby Gidget was born without hip joints. This poor baby had her whole puppyhood stolen from her!
We now need your help!!! FurEver Friendz has taken in many unexpected medical cases that we have ran out of funds. Gidget needs a double hip replacement. She is such a sweet loving little girl that she deserves this chance. We can not do it without your help. We are managing her pain until we are able to come up with the funds to do this surgery.
All donations are tax deductible. You can also contribute by calling Gulf Coast Veterinary Center @ 352-688-9911 and tell them you are donating towards Gidget's care.
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
GoFundMe: http://www.youcaring.com/furever-friendz-inc-394151#.VakUgzvs8Nw.facebook
7-27-15 Feral Cats
Kat Warren lives in TX but has been in Moreno, CA for the summer with her daughter. The entire time she has spent literally countless hours rescuing a neglected colony of cats and kittens. Several kittens were already dead. Other kittens were eating them to stay alive. Two kittens lost their eyes. She has exhausted all of her funds and has pleaded for help to get this entire colony healthy, surgery if needed, spay and neutered, then returned. She has no money left for gas, food for the colony, or vet care for the remaining cats. For the tame ones, she has found a couple of people with a rescue to take a handful of the kittens...if that many even. 3 are recovering in a hot shed because they're too ill to be returned and she has no place to take them. Can you please spread the word to everyone you know to help get these cats and kittens cared for properly before she returns to TX. If she doesn't have the funds to take care of all of them, then everything she has accomplished will all be for naught and the cycle will continue. Here's some updates from Kat. Of 11 adults so far- 2 were pregnant, 5 in heat, & 4 were males. A lot of sick suffering litters were prevented. There are no more surgery funds though Its incredibly urgent that enough be raised to finish this colony, or it will just keep cycling. Vet says no to tnr on the feral seizure babies because they stopped breathing again yesterday and had to be oxygenated. Not safe for s/n. For the vet to keep them the weekend its $150 more, & I still dont have the $86 for their first days ICU care. Going to have to buy medicine and pick up at 7 today & keep them in a trap at the colony to be medicated. They could stop breathing again though or seize again alone there, somebody please save them.
Treating Vet: Dr.Park at Sunnymead animal clinic, he takes donations at (951) 242-4056 and (951) 242-3058
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
7-28-15 Purchased food for feral cat colony
7-28-15 relocate feral catsPlease Help Relocate My Colony: Blackout, Papa, Sweet Boy, Tan Mustache, Tuxie Baby, and 2X Momma, a colony that originally consisted of 9 well-managed community cats, who I TNR'd in late 2011 for a senior lady -- a woman who had been caring for them for years before -- have been forced out of the backyard of the only home in L.I.C., Queens that they have ever known in order to accommodate a community garden. Negotiations to allow the cats to stay were futile; the garden caretaker was just going to starve them into going away. I panicked as I began to look for a safe relocation site because there are so few. Relocation is a time-consuming and costly endeavor, one that does not always ensure the cats will survive.
Fortunately I have found a safe place: the barn is cozy and charming -- all of the amenities a feral cat could ever need: shelter, comfy beds in houses, daily food, and lots of space to roam about with friends to share good times! The property owner has asked for a donation of $200.00 per cat, which is a reasonable request to provide lifetime care for my colony. This colony has never had to struggle a day in their life for food and shelter; they will never survive eating under parked cars with no shelter from the cold. Please, help me to relocate my colony to their new home, where they can live among people who love and understand the needs of a feral cat. Thank you for caring. Please donate here: http://www.gofundme.com/L-I-C-Relocation
PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa. 18018
This feral cat needed a large donation to be rescued and given medical attention
We sent $100