10-03-14 Rebel very ill kitten
We got rebel at a week old. During that time I was severely ill and on bed rest (still am) . She had a lot trouble latching on her bottle. The vet noticed the sores/ulcers in her mouth. She had never seen a kitten with sores like this at this age. They think she was probably born with it or developed it sometime after birth, and that's why she had so much trouble with the bottle. She is now taking amoxicillin trihydrate twice a day and probiotics once a day . But the same troubles that she had with the bottle she is now having it with the wet food. Eating causes her a lot of pain and causing her tummy trouble, GERD, and coughing. The vet had said that is all caused by her getting food in her esophagus and not digesting it properly. She is now 4 months old and still has on going medical issues. The vet wants to do biopsies and other testing. Due to my serious medical issues and treatments, We are unable to afford it. We have helped her overcome all of her other obstacles that may have not looked even possible and we want her to live the longest, healthiest and happiest life possible. The Biopsies and tests seems to be the only way possible to achieve that ,and we want to try to provide her the best care possible because she has helped me get through so much during my lowest point in my health so far ( with all of her love and care.. we truly have a special bond).
UPDATE: The vet found out she is having seizures. They also said she has a slight heart murmur, Her sores have progressed greatly and she needs even more testing (FIP, Toxoplasmosis, a blood profile, etc). If she keeps having seizure she will have to go on medicine. Right now Rebel is having them at least 10 times every night! Rebel is also experiencing lots of trouble with eating(even more) since the sores have grown so big. We are giving her Kitten Milk Replacer at night just to let her relax a little and have a break. We hope we can get her all the care she needs and give her the best life possible.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/6vcmio
Mailing Address: Allentown Animal Clinic 2640 Walbert Ave Allentown, Pa 18104 (For Rebel/Belzecky
10-07-14 Clyde - very sick cat
He's been admitted once for 3 days in ICU and the bill was over $6,000 I had surgery myself and owe $3000 for that too, not to mention have been out of work for 3 months. He stopped eating and drinking and had surgery to look for an obstruction and they found nothing. Now he's just in constant pain and even more miserable. Still not eating or drinking. Temp is 103.4. Started antibiotics, pain meds, anti nausea, and appetite stimulants with no improvement. Still never found the original problem why he's not eating. Scan and biopsy negative for cancer. I don't want to to give up, he's too young to let go and I am so desperate to figure out what's wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Even a dollar. I am just desperate and can't imagine letting him go without a second opinion. Hopefully cat lovers out there understand my pain. All he does is purr when I'm near him and lay in the same spot because of the pain. It's killing me. He's far from a cat that looks like he's dying---he just needs to be figured out. I've been syringe feeding him and giving him fluids to keep him going for now. But that isn't fixing the problem. I am so behind and at a loss what to do with bills right now. But my cat has been my life for the past 6 years. I know many of you will laugh and think I'm nuts. I also know it's tough financial times out there so if you can't donate I TOTALLY understand. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, truly. But most of you already know I live alone and have no family around or help. All I want is my cat to improve and not have to put him down when he could have a long healthy life. I wouldn't be asking if this were a terminal condition. I also don't expect to receive anything near the goal--as I said even a dollar helps. So please don't pay attention to the goal thinking I'm expecting that much; it's just some of what I owe prior to readmission. But the first visit was six thousand, all I can imagine is the next one being similar. It was about a thousand a day just with medical treatment--not counting surgical. They are going to pull 2 infected teeth to see if that helps.
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/f0tysw
Connecticut Vet Hospital - call in with payment: 860-233-8564
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Clyde) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
10-11-14 Little Girl Nora - stray cat with severe dental issues
My name is Jenny Thacker and I have been rescuing animals my whole life. Wednesday, while cleaning litterboxes for an elderly woman with emphysema, I saw a very sick calico kitty at the feral cat feeding station. She is very friendly and obviously could not eat because infection was pouring out of her mouth. She was muddy and her fur is matted. I took her to Pleasant Ridge Animal Hospital. Nora was diagnosed with stomatitis and urgently needs to have her teeth removed in order to eat and not have intense pain. Nora is scheduled to have her surgery Wednesday October 15, 2014. The cost is $586.01. Dr. Jaax estimates her to be about 3 years old. She tested negative for FIV and FeLV. Dr. Jaax said she is definitely adoptable and once she has her teeth taken care of she will be the picture of health. I am trying to raise funds to give this sweet, cuddly, community cat a chance at life. Thank you for your consideration!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/help-nora-get-a-second-chance-/246178#.VDfhVdYGDoE.facebook
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Nora) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
10-11-14 Hercules - dog with his leg shot
This sweet little boy, by the name of Hercules, recently showed up at the shelter, and his leg had been shot. The shelter determined he would need to have his leg amputated. They then sent out a plea to different rescues to take him and help him. Dawn Jenkins Bethel, who is a saint in my book, once again, as she does SO MANY TIMES, stepped up for Hercules and offered to take him in. Knowing how much she does to help the Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center dogs, the shelter vets agreed to amputate his leg at their cost. However, Hercules will need ongoing therapy and medication and treatment. This rescue, along with many others, is overwhelmed with animals they have saved from euthanasia.
PayPal: Thesofiproject@Yahoo.com
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Hercules) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
10-13-14 Might Mason - severely abused dog
Mason is a skeleton, his nails overgrown, skin peeling from head to toe from being burned for who knows how long by the hellish heat of Miami, he can't walk or even hold up his body, he can barely lift his head. His muzzle was so swollen upon intake and his skin bears markings that lead us to believe his mouth was bound shut. Mason's pictures were sent to all local rescues with a plea that he had to be out before they closed, that he would have to be euthanized rather than be alone for that many hours. We weren't totally prepared for the gravity of his condition. The shelter usually puts dogs like Mason on a cart and brings them to your car, but I felt that I should hold and carry him, not knowing how much time I would have and that he should feel every moment of love we could pack in. His body shakes and shivers because he has zero body fat to insulate himself. So we bundled him and turned on the seat heater and he didn't move a muscle for the entire hour long drive. Our veterinary staff is amazing. They welcomed Mason with open arms and we set to work. He is severely anemic but his platelets, white count, and majority of the rest was all normal, indicating that most likely, what he is suffering from is pure neglect. He is slight heartworm positive and negative for tick disease. He laid on the exam table and didn't mutter a peep. I made a meatball of food and figured he would have zero interest, since he could barely open his eyes, but he cracked one eyeball open, looked at me, and went to town on the food. He's ready to fight and so are we. We spent hours snuggling and he ate a few good meals. After a while, he became extremely restless and was struggling to move. I tried to comfort him and he gave me a few kisses and then went back to his mission. I wondered if maybe he needed to potty (most dogs in this condition will just go, because it's the least of their worries). So we unbundle, I carry him out, hold him up and he lets go of damn near a gallon of pee, tries to take a few steps looking remarkably like bambi and then takes a huge solid poop, two more steps, and looks at me like "ok we're good". The spirit Mason has simply warms your heart. To be that mistreated and still so amazing and kind, it's hard to even fathom. We can't wait to share his story with you and we will post daily updates at our Facebook page "To Save a Dog Like Daisy"
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-mighty-mason-beat-neglect/246818
Mailing Address: Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Mason) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
10-13-14 Willow - kitten with tail cut off by 11 year old
Willow is currently receiving treatment at Massillon Animal Hospital for injuries that were allegedly sustained at the hands of an 11 year old boy. Willow was found in the bushes where his tail was cut off at the base of the pelvic bone and partially degloved as well as having an object protruding from his rectum. He underwent the 1st of several surgeries on Thursday night and will need additional medical care to pull him through. The police ARE involved and are pursuing action.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/weeping-for-willow/246707
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Willow) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
PayPal: 10-13-14 Fletcher - cat with burst ear drums
Flecther developed a raging fever Tuesday night, so I took him to the vet. Friday morning I woke to find him stumbling around/falling over, trying to get back to his bed after using the litter. Needless to say I called the vet as soon as they opened and got an appointment. He has terrible ear infection and one of his ear drums ruptured. I had enough to cover the initial appointment and meds, but had to use money budgeted to pay my household bills for the second appointment. I'm hoping some kind souls reading this will consider chipping in so the lights don't go out. Also, Wannya, one of the ex-ferals, now has an ear infection. He will not let me touch him, and became quite feral again when I tried. It was pretty scary. He is going to the vet today (this makes 4 trips in less than a week!) because he'll need to be sedated for treatment. Once again, I'm not sure where the money is coming from, but will cross my fingers for more donations to this fundraiser before our appointment time.
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Willow) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
10-18-14 Max - puppy used as bait for dog fighting
On Sunday, October 12th, a high kill shelter in Philadelphia contacted Home at last with an urgent plea to save a 3 month old mixed breed puppy who was possibly used as a bait dog for dog fighting. As soon as we met Max, we knew we had to give him a chance! We rushed him to Metropolitan Vet to get him examined. We were told that due to the extent of his injuries and the fact that his wounds were at least a week old and severely infected, he may not survive. They immediately sedated Max and cleaned out all of his wounds, removing the dead tissue and infection. They informed us that Max will need future surgeries to complete skin grafts. At this time, his estimated total vet bill is $7,500 to $10,000. Please help Home at last give Max a second chance at life and donate to his surgery! This sweet little boy surely deserves it!! You can follow his progress here https://www.facebook.com/maxhomeatlastdogrescue/timeline
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-max-get-the-care-he-needs-to-become-a-forever-pet-/248673
Mailing address: Home at Last Dog Rescue PO Box 1341 North Wales, Pa 19454
10-14-14 Alyssa - rescued kitty fighting hepatic lipidosisAlyssa is an amazing Birmese that was rescued from the ACC. Her stress of being thrown in a kill shelter and into foster care has taken a toll on this sweet cat. She has been battling health issues since she arrived into foster care in August. She has now lost over 3 pounds and has been admitted into North Star Emergency hospital. She has been in and out of hospitalization since arriving to us. Her medical bills have been occuring over the last 2 months and we anticipate this bill alone to be over 3200 once they determine if she needs a feeding tube which is not on the bill yet. If successfully treated she can make a full recovery but we need your help! We will be updating and revising the chip in daily as we learn more about her treatment plan.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/alyssa-fighting-hepatic-lipidosis248627#sthash.tZLTB4yn.dpufMailing Address: Happy Homes Animal Rescue P.O. Box 614 Old Bridge, NJ 08857
10-18-14 Emergency c-section for rescued dog
*** CODE RED *** Just got a call from one of our adopters. Her Aunt took in a Chihuahua Rescue that turned out to be pregnant. One emergency Vet wanted $2000 up front and of course they couldn't pay that. They are now at another emergency Vet getting an emergency C-Section and spay. Without this, the Mama and babies will die. One baby was stuck in the birth canal. IMMEDIATE DONATIONS ARE NEEDED (this Vet is charging $400 given there are no complications)
PayPal at donations@southernsoulsrescue.org. Thank you.
10-22-14 Popeye - cat attacked by dogs
Popeye is a 4 year old Tabby who was chased under a deck by some dogs. I heard them I did not see it, they woke me and my dogs up. When I found him he could not use his hind legs, I took him straight to the vet. He has a broken vertebrae, and air in his back end from puncture wounds, they do not know for sure about internal. He is able to feel pain. He needs to go to a hospital as soon as possible, they are keeping him at vet to monitor kidney, bowels ect. and see how he does. HE NEEDS A HOSPITAL as quick as he can get one. He can not go to hospital with no funds and I can not cover this as My dog is in need also. Popeye is life or death at this point, please don't let him die please donate any amount to help him. I located the owner who said PTS because they can not pay to treat. They said the cat belongs to their daughter who is 13 or so and they are telling her they are putting Popeye to sleep. Please help me save Popeye kitty, He held on and wants to live. Also, a rescue or foster is needed to help the little guy recover, my dogs are not cat friendly so I can't even bring him home
PayPal: The dollarclub@yahoo.com (mark for Popeye)
Mailing address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018
10-25-14 Coraggion - cat with broken leg and pelvis
We are raising funds to cover the medical expenses for Coraggio the Cat. Coraggio is Italian for COURAGE and this little guy certainly has that! He is a feral kitty that has lived for two years with a broken plevis and hip as well as having half his tail cut off. We believe this happened as the result of being hit by a car. For over two years this went untreated as he tried to survive outside with no help. I found him as part of the colony I am working and set about trapping him with help. It took two weeks but we got him. His prognosis for surgey is not good. His hips and leg have healed in place giving him only one working joint out of 4 he should have. His right leg is frozen in place and to perform surgery on him would require breaking all these bones again and months of physical therapy. We feel he has been through enough and have chosen to manage his current condition with the aid of our vet. He will live in our custom built Cattery with Heat, AC, lights, and many toys and playmates. he will never again fight for food outdoors or be cold or uncomfortable. he will have love and caring for the rest of his life however long that may be. he is estimated to be between 8-12 years old judging by his lack of any teeth left. This fellow has been through hell and had the COURAGE to survive till we got to him. We need to cover his current vet expenses so that going forward we can give him all the care he needs.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/medical-care-for-handicapped-kitty/249575
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018 (For Coraggio)
10-25-14 Three cats with severe calicivirus
Got a call from someone who had an emergency with their 3 cats. All had a severe case of calici virus and needed immediate treatment. The person had very little money so The Dollar Club helped!
10-26-14 Bubbles - cat with Nystagamus & toxoplasmosis
Bubbles' owners moved away and left her behind to fend for herself. She a beautiful torti who is the friendliest little kitty ever. We took her in and after I was treated with head butts, purrs and major kneeding on my arms I saw her eyes and how they were all cloudy. I wondered if she could even see out of them but she can see some. We aren't sure how well though. She was so hungry too. Like she hadn;'t eaten in quite some time. That night, her first night with us, she slept like a baby with her belly full. She has had a very hard life but I want to help make her last years better. Bubbles was seen at her vet today. She has a temp of 104. She weighs all of 6 lbs and 4 oz. and is about 7 years old. The vet said she has neurological issues. She also has nystagamus which indicates a major problem in her nervous system. Vet thinks she has toxoplasmosis and is treating her for it. Took blood work but won't have it bad til tomorrow. Neg for FeLV and FIV. Thinks her eyes are from having herpes and being untreated and said most likely nothing will make them better. Also thinks she has lesions in her brain causing the nystagmus and this is what my vet is VERY concerned about.
PayPal: TheDollarClub@yahoo.com
Mailing address: The Dollar Club (for Bubbles) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
10-26-14 Sadie - SEVERELY neglected yorkie
Tonight the Bethlehem Police found an emaciated, tick covered, dehydrated little Yorkie. Barely weighing five pounds, she's skin and bones. She has an infected eye, matted fur, and needs immediate vet care. 10/26 5:30pm UPDATE ON SADIE The vets office just called me to let me know that our little girl has a very high white blood cell account and is very anemic. Her liver values are extremely high and she may have liver disease ...( by now I'm sobbing to this poor man )...this very kind man has applied DONATED antibiotics to her ulcerated eye,applied a topical treatment to her open sores and skin and started her on a treatment for tick/liver disease. He says she is somewhere from 3-5 years old and really wants to come home. Tomorrow we will find out if this treatment will help or not. Please keep this little one in your prayers. He says she is very sick" Please continue to share and donate - now that we know how sick she is she will need more care. Even $1 will help. If you can't donate then please share. Let's show little Sadie how many human angels she can get! I met Sadie and she truly is a special little girl. Please keep Sadie in your prayers. Much and many xoxo's
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/adoption-fundraiser/help-pay-for-sadie-s-medical-bills/253230
Mailing Address: The Dollar Club (for Sadie) P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem, Pa 18018
We can no longer confirm the legitimacy of the owner.
10-27-14 Big Mr. - ulcerated eyes
Big Mr was abandoned by a neighbor and he was starving. He was missing from the daily am/pm feeding I gave him for 3 days, came back paw infected & eyes starting to be infected.I could not catch him in the Beginning so I kept watching him, he got worse & worse. Finally I got him after a few weeks got him inside & his eyes were Glued shut from infection.I took him that day to the Vet got him fixed & eye meds & more eye meds & more eye meds 45 days later not much better but ran outta money. The Vet had advised he be on Lifelong eye meds. If he gets surgery that May NOT be needed do to the eyelashes not ulcerating his eyes constantly! He was a Total dream at the Vet, No crying, squirming, hissing, biting, nothing just layed there with his head down like in the picts.
He weighs 11.3 lbs. SEE Last Picture in Gallery for the Surgery Estimate I got today along with Meds ( + Misc other meds for bloody diarrhea now) to help eyes until I can raise more. We only need $200 more to schedule surgery.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/surgery-now-big-mr-can-t-go-blind-he-was-abandoned-starved/246304?utm-source=widget
Mailing: Riverside Park Vet Clinic 111 E. Park St. Grants Pass, OR 97527 (541) 479- 8361 (His acct # is 38105 > Big MR, LTJ -Orange cat)