9-11-13 Gene - Severe neglect , numerous medical issues

 Gene, was believed to have been one of three cats belonging to an elderly man who entered a nursing home one year ago. It is believed that the pet cats were released to fend for themselves.  He has a respiratory illness so severe that he was unable to breathe well and his eyes were not visible through the discharge. Gene was covered in fleas so severe that he is anemic. He is emaciated with prominent bones and he is unable to close his mouth due to a past jaw fracture. In addition, Gene suffered from several infected teeth that were removed, and had a sore on his lip that added to his tremendous mouth pain. He is expected to recover with time and loving care. Gene's medical care has almost reached one thousand dollars and is  expected to exceed that.  http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/saving-gene-a-stray-cat-/84742
PayPal:  email@scoopcat.org
Mailing: SCOOP, Inc. P.O. BOx 46624;, Cincinnati, OH 45246-0624

9-2-13 Chloe - Rescued Beagle with Microflaria

We're a pit bull rescue, but we ended up caring for a Beagle (how could you turn down those sad eyes)!!! She has an extremely bad case of microfilaria. It's a very long process to treat her, and very expensive.
Chloe went to our vet this morning and when the tests were run they found little baby heartworms swimming all over the place. Usually you dont see that but the vet says this is one of the worst cases she has seen and she is really surprised that Chloe survived her spay surgery. (She had surgery somewhere else) What this means is that we have to treat her slowly so that she survives. It will extend the treatment and require double the cost. We need to raise $500.00 more dollars to cover Chloe's treatment ASAP. We have to show her that life on a chain didnt mean a death sentence. As a new rescue we don't have the funds to treat her, but we refuse to turn our back on her. So we're begging for help. www.facebook.com/adoptapitrescue

PayPal:  donate@adoptapitrescue.org
Mailing:  Adopt a Pit Rescue PO BOX 137 Germantown, OH 45327

9-2-13 Sam - Huge Abcess

HI, my name is Sam. My mom rescued me from the mean streets of NJ. One month ago, I was playing with my brothers and one of them scratched me. Mom didnt find out because back then my fur was thick and luxurious - and when she did, I already had a bad infection, which turned into an abscess. Then necrosis set in and my vet had to excise away the whole area. I spent a long time in kitty ICU. My mom visited me every day. i lost a lot of weight so they had to insert a feeding tube which i hate. My poor mom brings me to work with her so she can feed me every 4 hours. I've got a long road ahead, but I'm getting better every day. And when the feeding tube is gone and my fur grows back, i'll be as handsome as i ever was. My vets have been wonderful; practically saved my life but the bills are astronomical. Mom is having a hard time paying them. Can you help her? She deserves it not just because she's my mom , but she's a warrior when it comes to caring for stray cats around our town. She takes care of 120 cats daily not only feeding them but provides all of them with shelter and feeding stations. My mom has single handedly been responsible for TNRing ( TRAP, NEUTER RETURN ) literally hundreds of cats. I'm not good at math but even i know that's probably thousands of kittens saved from being born into a hard, hungry life on the streets. Like i was - until Mom found me.

PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/please-help-my-mom-pay-my-vet-bill/83260
Mailing: Animal Emergency Referral Assoc.1237 Bloomfield Ave. Fairfield, NJ 07004  MY PATIENT NUMBER IS : SAM 182752 (Don't send cash)
or you can send cash to:  The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018 (Mark that it is for Sam)
9-2-13 Autumn, torn acl

Autumn is a foster dog in our dog rescue, UnChain NY. She has torn her ACL and needs surgery as soon as possible as she is in tremendous pain.  Right now we have to give her pain medication and sedatives. She has to be confined in a crate in order for her not to further hurt herself.  We are trying to raise the funds as quickly as possible so this poor girl does not suffer anymore, she has had a rough start at life. Autumn used to be chained up in NY City, then she was rescued by another group only to be mauled by 9 dogs! She sustained many injuries during the attack. That is when our rescue took her in. Autumn does not deserve to ever feel a day of pain again, so please help us to help her get through this quickly.
- See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/autumn-needs-her-leg-surgery-/83905#sthash.2BMjPSTa.dpuf

PayPal: geektechnica@gmail.com
Mailing: Un Chain NY POB 837 Kerhonkson, NY 12446

9-4-13 Ziggy - severe neglect

URGENT HELP NEEDED!! This is Ziggy. The Old Lyme Animal Shelter rescued him within a day of his euthanasia. He desperately needs veterinary care, and only have $50 in donations so far. Please help this precious boy by donating anything, even a single dollar helps! !

PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Mailing: The Dollar Club P.O. Box 4253 Bethlehem Pa 18018

9-8-13 Andrea - Rescued Senior Dog

Andrea was picked her up from the Pasadena Animal Shelter this afternoon! She is estimated to be around 7 years old and what a little love!   When she was spayed yesterday, they found 2 of her breast have Mammary Gland Tumors. She will need to have blood work, surgery to remove the tumors, and then have them biopsied. She also is badly in need of a dental. When I picked her up yesterday from being spayed they said she had pieces of teeth falling out while she was there! Her estimated medical bills will be around $1,000.00 and Southern Comforts just can not afford this at this time. Please donate to help this sweet girl get the surgery she so desperately needs. Y

PayPal: tlandry002@comcast.net
Mailing:  Southern Comforts Rescue 15019 South Baylan, Sante Fe, TX 77517 (put Andrea on memo line)

9-8-13 Ally - Dumped puppy with Spina Bifida

Meet Ally. She is a bright, playful, determined pup, -- an irresistible red heeler mix who was abandoned at a dumpster in a trailer park, and rescued by Homeward Bound of Ellijay Georgia. Ally has a condition similar to Spina Bifida and has developed a secondary condition called mega colon which causes her colon to become impacted. To fix this secondary problem, Ally needs surgery to ensure her survival and alleviate intense physical pain. The estimate for this surgery from the University of Georgia, Athens Veterinary Clinic is a whopping $5000. So far, we have raised $1500. But to save Ally, we need your help. There is a loving, forever home out there for Ally. Together we can help her get there.

PayPal: homeward@ellijay.com (please specify for "Ally" in the comments section
Mailing: Homeward Bound Pet Rescue, INC Attn: Project Ally, P.O. Box 792, Ellijay, GA 30540.

9-8-13 Ally2 - abandoned dog - very ill

Ally was rescued from a supermarket parking lot in Yonkers on Monday afternoon, Labor Day. She was so weak, she could barely move. Her body was so riddled with infection that she smelled horrible. Her paws were a bloody, swollen mess. She remains at the vet and will for the foreseeable future. What the vets do know is that she is one very sick little girl. What we don't yet know is what, exactly, is going on with her. She's severely anemic and weak. Her sodium levels are off, her proteins are low and her red blood cell count is also low. She's had blood work/labs run several times already and the people at the lab this morning said they are shocked she's not in a coma! She remains on IV antibiotics, fluids & painkillers. She is being kept comfortable & we are committed to doing what it takes to get this girl back on her feet!!! Please continue to pray for her and share her story!  Her vet bill is well into the thousands, so any donations are appreciated.  Check her page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Allys-Struggle-for-Survival/654951941182223

PayPal: http://www.nycsecondchancerescue.org/donate/  or   thedollarclub@yahoo.com
Mailing Address: Second Chance Rescue PO Box 570701 Whitestone, NY 11357

9-9-13 Bommer - Severe mouth infection

He was abandoned as an outdoor farm cat when the owners of the Farm died. About 30 cats in total. My friend and I rescued all we could find and had them all fixed and found homes for all kittens that were born in between.  Bommer is now an indoor cat and the years of being an outdoor cat are now being told on his body as his entire mouth is a disaster, he needs teeth pulled and is in pain and has infection running through his body. His surgery is scheduled for September 18th and any help with the cost to help Bommer have a fixed up mouth would be appreciated.

PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com (Mention it is for Bommer)
Mailing: Pam or Daryl Moyer, 2526 Burnside, North Branch, MI 48461


9-12-13 Otis - Splenic tumor

Otis was rescued from death row at NYC ACC on 7/22/13 and it was clear he had been someone's pet.  Most likely upon his declining health, he was  dumped on the streets of NY. He was picked up by Animal Control and listed in severe medical condition and to be destroyed. We rescued him from the shelter and welcomed him into our home, into our family, our pack.  After several trips to the vet, he was diagnosed with a splenic tumor (among other ailments). This type of tumor can be very dangerous as it could rupture at any moment causing internal bleeding and most likely death. Our amazing vets are confident that they can remove the tumor and allow Otis to continue his fight for a better life.   Stay up to date on Otis's progress by following Kongo's Page

PayPal: kris10mree@gmail.com
Mailing: Kristin Horwath Richards 512 Banks Street Northampton PA 18067

9-12-13 Terry - cat with eye injury

Terry had a severe eye injury and, unfortunately, his eye had to be removed today. He's expected to make a full recovery and will be cared for by a HAL volunteer. Terry's surgery plus medication was $400.00. Please consider making an emergency donation toward his vet bill.

Please earmark your donation "Terry." Thank you in advance for any and all assistance!
PayPal: www.halrescue.org and click the gold "donate" button.
Mailing: HAL, PO Box 237, Manalapan, NJ 07726 

9-12-13 Capo - Dog with life threartening gastro disorder

REMEMBER CAPO? The dog who lived in his owner's car till they couldn't do it anymore? He went to Yonkers and broke everyone's heart with a video that showed him in his kennel defeated, terrified. Rebound got him out and he's been in foster, a board 'n train, and now in an adoptive home. Capo has a life threatening gastro disorder which has already required thousands in care. He is not eating or drinking now and has been transferred to Tufts. He is getting surgery today. The owner CAN NO LONGER sustain the vet bills. If he can't pay, Capo will be put down. PLEASE HELP! ANYTHING YOU CAN AFFORD. Capo has had a tough life, he deserves some happiness! Rebound is sponsoring this chip in, PLEASE PUT A NOTE ON YOUR CONTRIBUTION THAT IT IS FOR CAPO! All goes directly to his vet bills at Tufts.

PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-save-capo-/86871
Mailing: Rebound Hounds ResQ 415 West 24th Street Apt 1A, New York, NY 10011

9-15-13 Gladys - neglected dog with cut tendon

Gladys is a10 year old shih tzu that was abused, neglected, and dumped at animal control. Her previous owner is in jail. She has a horrible wound with severed and exposed tendons on her leg, her teeth are grossly rotten with exposed roots, she has been over bred. September 19, she will undergo surgery on her mouth and leg. She has quite a road ahead of her but she will never be neglected again. Thank you for your support! You can follow her at http://www.facebook.com/fightingfordawn

PayPal: fightingfordawn@gmail.com
Mailing: Fighting for Dawn PO Box 5791, Atlanta, Georgia 31107
9-15-13 Hope - burned kitten

Hope is a beautiful, 7-month old calico cat that endured the most horrific, sadistic and sickening animal cruelty that we have ever seen. Set on fire, emaciated and alone by a dumpster in the City of Inkster, Hope proved she is a survivor!

24 hours after extensive surgery to clean up the burn, Hope woke up this morning ready to conquer her long road to recovery. Burnt ears, wounds so bad and too graphic to show and flea infested, Hope hasn't stopped purring yet.

Paypal: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/bYwJ5
Mailing: Tail waggers 1990 28402 5 Mile Rd Livonia, Michigan 48154
9-15-13 Kitten Horribly Abused - cut off genitals

This is the worst case of abuse and we cannot show the photo here.  It looks like someone tried to castrate him,  penis and all and when he wiggled too much or clawed they thew him in a cock a burr bush.  His tail is all matted and twisted.  The vet worked on him all day and said he will eventually be
ok and is resting.   He is still at the vet and is in need of donations to cover vet bills and reward or information leading to the arrest of the individual(s) that were responsible for doing this to this baby will need extensive care.

PayPal: hotrodskills@yahoo.com
Mailing: Heart & Soul Kitty Sanctuary 906 W Glynn Dr. Parkston SD 57366