9-2-14 Macho - Poisoned bait dog
Macho is an 8 month old puppy, who has already been through so much in his short life. He was rescued from being used as bait for dog fighting when only a few weeks old, just to have to turn around and fight for his life, again. His owners' neighbor did not like Macho or his sister Baiah, and tried poisoning them. Baiah was unharmed, but Macho was not so fortunate. Despite knowing of the posioning, his owners made no attempt to seek medical attention, and Macho sat, deteriorating, for over a week, before fate brought us to meeting. Macho collapsed Friday evening and was rushed to the vet's office. After hours of tests, it seemed that we had been too late, as his prognosis was not good. The vet decided to keep him overnight, in hope of any sign of improvement in the morning. Unfortunately, morning came, and poor Macho was just about the same as the night before. We had to make the hard decision of ending his suffering. As fate would have it again, I got held up on the way to the vet's office and didn't arrive until 3 hours later. I went back to hold Macho and comfort him and tell him how sorry I was. I got the shock of my life to see a standing, wagging, wobbly puppy wanting love! If I had not gotten held up, I would've made the wrong decision. Macho's will to survive and overcome is stronger than any dog or puppy that I have ever met. He is not out of the clear yet, as he sat untreated from the poison for over a week. Macho (and I) need help to cover his medical bills. This guy has proven that it is not his time to go, and deserves to his fighting chance. We appreciate any and all help, no matter how much. ♡
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/dtk840
Mailing address: Valley Veterinary Hospital 710 S. Main St Phoenixville, Pa 19460
9-8-14 Butch - severe dental/eye issues
Left to fend for himself after his owners died, Butch showed up in the neighborhood . He was beat up and starving . I painstakingly brought him back to health and then had him neutered/vaccinated. Butch was doing very well until last month when he started showing signs of illness. His eye was infected, and he had trouble eating. Realizing he needed immediate medical attention, I trapped him and brought him to my vet. His exam showed he had severe dental/eye issues. He will need to have all of his teeth extracted along with antibiotics and steroids for his eye. His surgery/medications are estimated at $500.00.Please donate and share his page so we can get his surgery done asap, and get this handsome boy back to feeling better before the harsh winter sets in. Thank you in advance for helping Butch.
PayPal; http://www.gofundme.com/dxyp1w#
Mailing Address: Grady Animal Hospital 465 Montauk Hwy Sayville NY 11782
Dr Mark Caporaso - mention that it is for Butch the cat
9-8-14 Layla - Tiny kitten in ICU
This is a desperate plea to help us help Layla. On 8/18/14 this pocket-sized angel came into our lives. We rescued her from Animal Care and Control of NYC, just hours before she was scheduled to be euthanized. Layla was only 5 weeks old. The plan was to keep her in foster care for about three to four weeks until she was ready for adoption. She was eating, playing and discovering the world in her new and loving home.
Without any warning, Layla's health took a sudden turn. On 9/1 she had vomiting and diarrhea. She was given medication and seemed to improve the next day. The symptoms reappeared on 9/4 so we rushed her to the hospital. After tests and an examination, the results were that it was intestinal related and she was discharged and prescribed medication. Layla improved briefly but in the evening of 9/5 she crashed. She was immediately rushed back to the hospital. Upon arrival, Layla had a faint heartbeat, but was not breathing. To revive her, she was intubated, with oxygen being hand-pumped into her tiny lungs. After two hours she began breathing on her own and as of this moment she remains in very critical condition in the ICU.
Our mission is to give Layla a humane and fighting chance and we need your help to do that. Whether $1, $5, $20 or $100, ANY contribution will go directly towards her medical care. The bill for the first evening was $1,500 and the estimate for each subsequent day in ICU is $1,000. Layla will be there for at least several more days. She is at Blue Pearl Manhattan (212-767-0099). You can contact them directly and say that the donation is for Layla from Big Hands Little Paws. Alternatively, you can donate directly on our website (www.bighandslittlepaws.org).
- See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/urgent-aid-for-layla/229942#sthash.eG2kXYDN.dpuf
PayPal: pamela@bighandslittlepaws.org
Mailing address: Big Hands Little Paws P.O. Box 492 114 John Street New York, NY, 10038
9-11-14 Snoopy - damaged penis
Snoopy is a good, loving boy who is facing euthanasia for no fault of his own. He was injured by a poor decision made by humans. Snoopy was in the middle of mating and was separated after they had already locked, and his penis ruptured. He is in a LOT of pain and needs our help to save his life! We're trying to raise $900 in less than 24 hours for the treatment needed or else he will be put down. This plea for help comes from a group with shelters and rescues that are part of the same local network of dog lovers as the shelter I (Adoptabull) volunteer at. All donations help!
He's in Ogden City, Utah. He's currently under the care of animal control and we do not have the money for surgery. PLEASE (again, we're literally begging you) help Snoopy and donate.
GOAL HAS BEEN MET!!! The Dollar Club sent the last $60 to meet the goal for surgery. But now, OUR funds are depleted.
PayPal; thedollarclub@yahoo.com
9-11-14 Carlos Elderly Chuahuahua than needed PTS
PayPal: The dollarclub@yahoo.com (to replenish our funds)
No further donations needed
9-11-14 Harvey - Tiny sick kitten
Harvey is 6 weeks old and one of my foster babies. Little Harvey already had a rough start to life being left wet and cold in a ditch in the rain, emaciated, anemic from fleas he still had a larger than life personality and loves to love! 5 days after coming into my care Harvey became very ill with a 107 fever and unable to eat or drink. He saw the doctor Friday 8/29 but got worse overnight and we went back Saturday 8/30. He was admitted for a variety of tests and to be given fluids and antibiotics thru IV since he can't keep anything down. I am asking for help because his medical bills are mounting more than I unfortunately have the ability to pay. Harvey is expected to be in for several days, depending on test results and how he improves. I thank you in advance for helping in any way you can and so does Harvey. *****Harvey is still fighting. We had a very scary night last night where he aspirated and temporarily stopped breathing. I had to revive him and the only way I knew how and it worked thank God! I'm still very scared for this little guy but today he seems better. Every bit of support helps and I thank you all who have already contributed to his fund! He's such a little fighter and he deserves the best life has two offer!
PayPal: http://www.gofundme.com/dtmieo
Mailing Address: Trucksville Dog & Cat Hospital 1070 Memorial HWY Shavertown, Pa 18708
9-20-14 Shasta Sanctuary - animal rescue burned down
On 9/15/14 a devastating fire took out over 100 homes, one of which was Shasta Sanctuary Animal Rescue. They need help, big time. The Boles Fire in Weed California on 9/15/14 wiped out Shasta Sanctuary Animal rescue that was located at 1068 N. Davis Ave, Weed Ca.They barely got out alive, with just the clothes on their backs. They lost a few animals that they are hoping escaped, and people are out searching for them, but the animals they DID save lost everything, home, bedding, toys, treats, food, crates; everything an animal needs. They have found 2 cats so far, this one is Dufus who is in critical condition. The other is also hospitalized but doing better than Dufus. The staff of 4 also needs things like clothing. Gabby Yoakum and her family have hearts of gold and they live to save animals and find them good homes. There is also a physical donation center at 4670 Shasta Dam Bl. Shasta Lake Ca 96019 or 310 Deetz Rd. Mt Shasta Ca 96067. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shasta-Sanctuary
PayPal: ShastaSanctuary@live.com
Mailing address: Gabby Yoakum 310 Deetz Rd. Mt Shasta Ca 97067
9-22-14 Big Orange Stray Cat with back injury
This cat was rescued by My Stray and Feral Babies after seeing this post on Craigslist:
"I have a stray orange cat hanging around my house who is very sweet, but my cat keeps beating him up really badly, and he's been injured pretty terribly for over a year. Every time he starts getting better my cat beats him up again. I would keep him if he didn't get worse all the time. I will have to take him to the shelter if I can't find him a good home. He really is very sweet."
This poor cat It looks even worse in person. It's so horrible I hate to even post pictures. I'm so thankful to my friend who went and picked him up for me. Please know I'll do everything possible for him. Thank you so much for your support. I'm so glad I saw the post on Taming Gracie - Feral Cat Care. He is at the vet now getting some long overdue medical attention.
Rescue Group: My Stray & Feral Babies
PayPal: brandypruitt4@gmail.com
YouCaring: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/rescued-injured-cat-from-craigslist/237368
Amazon Wish List: http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/1JZ0ZHJPN0XNQ/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
9-27-14 Penelope - Dog hit by car and now has pneumonia
Penelope came into a local shelter by animal control on 09/04/14 from Camden city after being hit by a car. Sadly no one claimed her... Although she arrived with hind leg paralysis, she has shown improvement with steroids. X-Rays showed that there was nothing out of place, nothing broken and so there is hope Penelope may regain the use of her legs. She retracts from deep pain, which indicates Penelope does have some feeling in her legs and initially she was unable to move her tail, but two days ago she did! Joa's Arc wants to give Penelope a chance at regaining some or all use of her hind legs. Joa's Arc is hopeful for Penelope and we need your help for the next step - hydrotherapy, PT and acupuncture. She has a long road ahead, but this happy girl is so worth it! Please consider donating to her care. *****Penelope is now undergoing treatment for pneumonia!
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/help-penelope-walk-again/237985
Mailing address: Joa's Arc PO Box 243, Audubon, New Jersey 08106
9-30-14 Wynn - old dog with several infections
Wynn is a senior beagle who came to Chicago Animal Control in February 2014 as a stray. Originally we believed that Wynn was suffering from either food or environmental allergies.
His loving foster mom has been working with his veterinarian to determine a cause for his symptoms. The last week has been very hard for Wynn, his symptoms got significantly worse, and he had pus and scabs over his face and body. Another skin scrape was done and we now know that not only is he fighting multiple bacterial infections and an undetermined allergy, the he is also fighting MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). He has been started on a stronger, injectable antibiotic and sub-q fluids. The money raised will help cover the expense of his treatments as well as determining the underlying cause for the allergies that led to his discomfort. Please consider donating today to Help Heal Wynn. We want Wynn to feel 100% again, he was a happy-go-lucky boy and now he just lays on the couch all day because he feels so miserable.
PayPal: http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/help-heal-wynn/240400
Mailing address: Secondhand Snoots Rescue PO Box 7798 Gurnee, Il 60031